Proposal: Clean up
1-3 causes this to fail and clucky’s public relations to sour. Darknight
Adminned at 14 Aug 2008 12:35:48 UTC
Remove the phrase
, including replacing Spivak pronouns with the singular “they”
from the rule “Ruleset and Gamestate”
I personally think its a bad idea not have a standard set of pronouns. But as Spivak isn’t even defined, thats just cluttering the ruleet.
In the rule “Victory and Ascension”
A DoV may not be started in the period between a passing DoV and that DoV’s Ascension Address.
Suppose someone wins and then for an unforseen reason has to go idle. That DoV’s AA would never get posted, and so no one could ever win blognomic. If people want to slow the game down by posting a DoV after someone has won, thats a jerk move but it isn’t any different than if I were to post a DoV right now.
Players use Spivak anyway, so IMHO we should at least put Spivak back into the glossary so new players at least know what it is.