Proposal: clean up
self-killed failed by card
Adminned at 05 Oct 2017 00:17:25 UTC
under “Pushing"change
“the Katamari gets a random noun generated from this site added to it.” to
the Prince adds a noun from the wikipage that immediatly follows the noun they chose to add to the Katamari. If the Prince didn’t push to choose a noun, they can pick the first one freely.
change “to aquire a noun, the Katamari gains 2 extra nouns from this site. Alternatively, a prince may add two nouns that appear at the Katamari’s location with no nouns in between them in the text. This rule overrides the ability gained at size 50.” to
, the Prince adds 2 noun from the wikipage that immediatly follows the noun they chose to add to the Katamari. If the Prince didn’t push to choose a noun, they can pick the first one freely.
change ” to aquire a noun, the Katamari gains 3 extra nouns from this site. Alternatively, a prince may add three nouns that appear at the Katamari’s location with no nouns in between them in the text. This rule overrides the ability gained at size 100, and the ability gained at size 50. ” to
the Prince adds 3 nouns from the wikipage that immediatly follows the noun they chose to add to the Katamari. If the Prince didn’t push to choose a noun they can pick the first one freely.
Make a new rule called “Affinity” with the text
Each Prince has an Affinity and Antipathy, defaulting to “-”, tracked in the GNDT. If they have not done so yet this Dynasty, a Prince may, simultaniously, change their Affinity to a noun type and their Antipathy to a differnt noun type.
cleaning the rules so that people can’t simply lie to add whatever they want to the katamari. also made the perks stack.
Darknight: he/him