Friday, June 03, 2011

Proposal: Clearing things up

Reached a quorum 1-9.—Yoda

Adminned at 05 Jun 2011 13:42:30 UTC

In rule 2.2 change the last paragraph to read:

All Farmers’ Plots are active, and all Idle Farmers’ Plots are inactive. Inactive Plots shall be ignored by all rules, excepting this paragraph. When a Farmer idles, their plot shall be marked “INACTIVE” and it shall be moved to the Inactive Garden Patch wiki page. When a Farmer with an inactive Plot unidles, their Plot is no longer inactive and shall be moved back to the Garden Page wiki page. New Farmers and unidling Farmers with no inactive Plots shall receive a Plot that is immediately below a random Plot (active or inactive).

Reducing clutter in the garden patch wiki page.



03-06-2011 23:54:04 UTC

It just seems like a lot of extra work for admins. Idk. . . Plus what about tracking zombies on inactive Plots?


04-06-2011 02:12:14 UTC

against I don’t see the benefit, and this allows users to temporarily modify control plot order via idling.


04-06-2011 03:54:07 UTC

against Eh


04-06-2011 04:31:22 UTC

against sorry, worded badly and a waste of time for admins

SingularByte: he/him

04-06-2011 05:13:15 UTC



04-06-2011 06:23:30 UTC



04-06-2011 08:39:23 UTC

against Also, there’s no safety included against someone going idle and modifying the idle page just before this is enacted, then unidles and harvests the results.


04-06-2011 10:26:29 UTC

No, since every document described in the ruleset is gamestate, and you may not change the gamestate at will. I think it’s somewhere in the appendix…


04-06-2011 10:26:48 UTC

Oops, I forgot to vote.


04-06-2011 12:23:13 UTC

[Ely] I know (or at least kind of figured), but if I alter the wiki page that is created by this proposal before it is enacted, I merely alter an (at the time of my altering) empty wiki page. So, I could do it like this:

1. Some (short) time before this proposal is enacted/becomes valid/whatever you say to that process I make myself idle.

2. At the same time, so before the Inactive Garden Patch wiki page exists as a part of the Gamestate, I change that Inactive Garden Patch wiki page to reflect some bombastic garden of mine.

3. Whenever this proposal becomes valid, the Inactive Garden Patch wiki page (altered by me in step 2) becomes Gamestate.

4. I then unidle and gain the sweet tasty fruits of my hard if somewhat deceitful work.

That’s what I meant, this proposal does not protect the newly created wiki page from being altered before it is enacted. (Many Proposal do that by saying something like “The Newly Created Wiki Page shall be reverted to the state it was in when this proposal was made.”)


04-06-2011 12:25:41 UTC

You’re right, I read you comment too fast, and missed “just before this is enacted”.

Darknight: he/him

04-06-2011 21:15:13 UTC
