Call for Judgment: Clucky, stop illegally marking CFJs as illegal too
Cannot be enacted with 1 vote FOR to 5 AGAINST. Josh
Adminned at 01 Aug 2021 09:23:51 UTC
Revert Clucky’s marking of “Clucky, stop illegally idling me” as illegal, and enact it.
Remove Clucky’s status as an Admin.
What am I supposed to do in a situation where a player edit-wars to illegally mark me as idle, and then illegally marks the CFJ that’s meant to end the edit war as idle, too? This is completely unreasonable conduct from an admin (especially as Josh and Kevan had both previously agreed that the unidling worked, in the thread about it). Even if Clucky did think the CFJ was illegal, the correct reaction was to vote against, or at least leave it to another admin to place the illegal mark, so that we could have a vote about the issue (rather than use admin powers to try to enforce Clucky’s point of view).
As far as I can tell, there’s no recourse available against this sort of abuse of admin powers – we can’t have a CFJ to check whether something was legal or not if it keeps getting illegally marked as illegal. Therefore, the only fix to this issue is to remove the admin powers of admins who are abusing the admin functions to prevent scrutiny of their actions.
Clucky: he/him
fuck off