Proposal: Cobra Mk III Effect
Passes 6-0 with quorum FOR. -Bucky
Adminned at 01 Dec 2014 02:48:06 UTC
In the rule “Fuel”, replace “Each Shuttle may gain 3 Fuel as a weekly action. Whenever a Proposal becomes Enacted, unless the Proposal’s text states otherwise, its author gains 2 Fuel.” with:-
As a weekly action, a Shuttle may gain 3 Fuel, or 6 Fuel if a Proposal of theirs has been enacted during the previous seven days.
Am starting to feel the burr of the grindstone here - it’s an incentive to make proposals as mild and inoffensive as possible, because controversial proposals cost the proposer 2 Fuel when they fail.
. Will fast-veto if Topped Off passes, causing this proposal to do nothing.