Saturday, February 19, 2022

Proposal: Coins and Bonus things

Withdrawn. - Jumble

Adminned at 20 Feb 2022 00:19:05 UTC

In ‘Dynastic Rules’ in section ‘Deeds’,

Add subsection ‘Coins’ with the description:

Each player has a positive integer of Coins, defaulting to 0 and are publicly tracked. As a daily action that can not be partaken within 48 hours of the of the last time this action has happened, a Player may reduce their Coins by 20 and then increase their Deeds by 1.


In ‘Dynastic Rules’ in section ‘Deeds’,

Add subsection ‘Bonus Coins Play’ with the description:

While Players are building Buildings in Tic Tac Town, Player can build Structures. Structures are defined as “[Name] - [Cost]; [Reward]” and are listed below in this subsection. The ‘Cost’ of the Structure is denoted as the parameters to build it. Once a Player has successfully gotten all the parameters of a give Structure, that player may turn all the Buildings used for accomplishing the parameters to blanks and apply the ‘Reward’. The ‘Reward’ is denoted as Coins the Player Gains or a bonus action the Player must do, or a combination of both.

Let’s spice up this tic-tac-toe


Lulu: she/her

19-02-2022 22:42:57 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

19-02-2022 23:10:30 UTC

Quite a few things going on here.

“As a daily action that can not be partaken within 48 hours of the of the last time this action has happened” - this may or may not work as intended - as written, I think it means that if Jack does the action then no-one else can do it for 48 hours, meaning that it will almost never get used.

The Bonus Coins Play rule seems to be setting up Structures as a kind of building-upgrade system? I don’t hate that but think it needs to wait until we have a few buildings out and have a sense as to how those are going to work first.


Raven1207: he/they

19-02-2022 23:46:58 UTC


The building thing was supposed be symbols.

I mixed up the 2