Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Proposal: Come To The Drawing Room For Afternoon Fea

Passes 7-2. — Quirck

Adminned at 29 Dec 2022 15:02:13 UTC

Rewrite the rule Malfeasances (leaving any subrules unaffected) as follows:

A Malfeasance is a type of Planned Action that is associated with a room, role or specific Explorer.

Malfeasances come in three types: Room-Bound, Role-Bound or Item-Bound.

A Room-Bound Malefeasance may only be carried out when the acting Explorer occupies a Room that has that Malfeasance associated with it, and when that Room is Dark. A Role-Bound Malefeasance may only be carried out when the acting Explorer has the relevant Role, and when they are in a dark Room. An Item-Bound Malfeasance may only be carried out when the acting Explorer is holding the relevant Item, but may be carried out regardless of whether they are in a dark or lit Room.

Malfeasances have a flavour-text Name, an Effect which is carried out as the effect of the Planned Action, and Restrictions, which must be met for the Planned Action to take place, and which must include any Role or Item requirements for Role- or Item-Bound Malfeasances. A Malfeasance may also have an associated Defense, which must be one of the possible Advantages, and may have a Hindrance, which must be one of the possible Disadvantages. If an Explorer would choose a given Malfeasance as their Planned Action, but that Explorer has the same Disadvantage as that Malfeasance’s Hindrance, then the Explorer cannot carry out that Malfeasance. Conversely, if an Explorer would be affected by another Explorer’s Malfeasance, but the former Explorer has the same Advantage as that Malfeasance’s Defense, then that Explorer is not so affected.

A Room’s Malfeasance is privately tracked by the Narrator. At any time, an Explorer who is possessed by Katastrophe may privately ask the Narrator what the Malfeasance is in the room that they current occupy then the Narrator should truthfully respond at their earliest opportunity.

Possible Malfeasances are as follows:

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Malfeasances
! Name !! Type !! Effect !! Restrictions !! Defence !! Hindrance
| Kidnapping || Room-Bound || The acting Explorer and the named target Explorer are moved to the named other Room || An Explorer other than the actor, in the same Room as the actor, and another target Room must be named || Strong || Weak
| Set a Trap || Room-Bound || The Trap associated with this room is Set and will trigger on the next eligible Explorer to enter the room, as per the rule Traps. || The Trap associated with this room is not already Set. || Fast || Rash
| Sudden Distraction! || Room-Bound || The acting explorer creates an opportunity to pickpocket the named explorer. They take the chosen Item from the Items of the named explorer, should that item exist there. || An Explorer other than the actor, in the same Room as the actor, and they have an item that the actor chooses. || Wise || Slow
| Disguise as a Box || Room-Bound || The Explorer turns invisible. For as long as they are at most one connection away from the room with this Malfeasance, their location is privately tracked by the Narrator rather than tracked publicly (though that Explorer may always request to know their own position and the Narrator should tell them). When the Explorer is two or more connections away from that room, the disguise seems out of place and their Location immediately should be revealed by the Narrator. || N/A || N/A || Unlucky
| Divination || Room-Bound || The acting Explorer is told at the beginning of the next Explorer Phase the exact location of the Black Cat || N/A || N/A || Rash
| Kibble || Room-Bound || The Black Cat is moved in the direction stated || A Direction, which may be Up, Down, North, South, East or West || N/A || Slow
| Dark Reordering || Role-Bound || The room occupied by the acting Explorer is destroyed, along with all connections and items associated with it, and all Explorers occupying that room (as well as the Black Cat, if present) are displaced to a connecting room at random. The Narrator then must create the minimum number of Connections required to ensure that all Rooms are indirectly connected to all other Rooms. || The actor must be Possessed by Katastrophe. || N/A || Rash
| Use Monkey's Paw || Item-Bound || Add to Dread a value chosen by the Actor, to a minimum of zero if reduced. Subtract 1 from the actor's Sanity. || Must be accompanied by a single specified value, which must be between -10 and 10. Must have the Monkey's Paw item. || N/A || N/A

In the rule Rooms, change “Optionally, a Malfeasance” to “Optionally, a Room-Bound Malfeasance”. Change the description of the Monkey’s Paw item to read, in full, “This Item is Cursed. The holder may use the Use Monkey’s Paw Malfeasance.”

Just moving thins around a bit, really;


SingularByte: he/him

27-12-2022 15:34:59 UTC

I know this isn’t a spelling mistake being introduced by this particular proposal, but for Kibble could you change “South East” to “South, East”?

Raven1207: he/they

27-12-2022 15:45:53 UTC


quirck: he/him

27-12-2022 15:54:11 UTC

Do we need a definition of a Role?

Is light room synonymous with lit room?

Should destroying a room also destroy all connections? As the Narrator is required to create only the minimum number of connections to keep the rooms graph connected, some connections that led to the destroyed room can become dangling. What happens to items in the destroyed room?

Josh: he/they

27-12-2022 16:03:36 UTC

Thanks - edits made.

Don’t think that role needs defining as there doesn’t seem to be any ambiguity about meaning but all others should have been corrected.

quirck: he/him

27-12-2022 16:10:40 UTC

Sounds like the Black Cat is displaced regardless of where it is

Josh: he/they

27-12-2022 16:16:42 UTC

Thanks, have amended

quirck: he/him

28-12-2022 08:35:09 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

28-12-2022 08:43:52 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

28-12-2022 11:18:25 UTC


Kevan: he/him

28-12-2022 12:22:57 UTC

against Reordering the ruleset is good. Throwing in a new and powerful Dark Reordering ability for Katastrophe (which maybe destroys held Fragments?), not so much.

Raven1207: he/they

28-12-2022 16:30:45 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

28-12-2022 17:42:37 UTC

CoV against

Janet: she/her

28-12-2022 21:09:11 UTC


Brendan: he/him

28-12-2022 23:15:54 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

28-12-2022 23:28:24 UTC
