Call for Judgment: Common Typo fix (Mico=/=Micro)
Times out 1 vote to 4. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 16 Mar 2017 23:19:39 UTC
So the Beak rules say “[...]an Organ belonging to that Creature that is in the Beak state may consume one Micronium to add 3 Nonium and 3 Blonium to the Statolith’s nutrients[...]”, and the current Ruleset says (erroneously) that “These nutrients are Blonium, Gonium, Nonium and Micronium.”
My original proposal said “These nutrients are Blonium, Gonium, Nonium and Miconium.”
Micro = / = Mico
It’s all a bit of a mess. There are likely more and it would be a pain in the ass to dredge though everything. So, with this proposal:
Retroactively, all instances of “Micronium” are synonymous to “Miconium”, and all instances of the term “Micronium” in the ruleset will be replaced to “Miconium”.