Saturday, January 27, 2024

Proposal: Computer Security

Timed out, 2-0 with 2 DEFs. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 29 Jan 2024 16:27:28 UTC

Add the following new rule titled “Files”:

A ’‘'File’‘’ consists of:
*A ‘’‘name’‘’, which is a string defaulting to ‘untitled’
*Optionally one ‘’‘Program’‘’ from the table “Programs”

If a File contains a Program, the Type of the Program must be included in its name in brackets. Only Files with a Program may have brackets in their names, unless otherwise stated by the ruleset.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Programs
! Type !! Effects
| Anti-malware || When this File is executed, you may '''scan''' all files in your Warez. The Mainframe will respond with the number of corrupted Files in your Warez plus a privately randomly generated number between -2 and 2, inclusive, to a minimum of zero.
| Firewall || Whenever you '''download''' a File, if the File is '''corrupted''', the Mainframe must privately randomly determine whether the File actually is downloaded or not, with both options being equally likely.
The Effects of a Program only apply to Agents who have at least one File with that Program in their Warez. As a daily virtual action, an Agent may ‘’‘execute’‘’ a File by specifying the name of exactly one File in their Warez. This may be re-attempted if the action fails.

In the rule “Clients”, remove “A File is a string.”
In the rule “Shell Commands”, in the subrule “Downloading”, replace “If the name of the File does not already exist” with “If the File does not already exist”

If there is a rule titled “Malware”, make it a subrule of “Files” and add the following new Malware to the “Malware” table:

| Trojan horse || If a file is corrupted by a Trojan horse, its name is allowed to contain brackets. However, such a File may not contain a Program.

If there is no rule titled “Malware”, remove all Programs from the table “Programs”.


Josh: he/they

28-01-2024 10:11:17 UTC


Zack: he/himIdle

28-01-2024 17:39:25 UTC

imperial I like the programs idea but I am confused by the Trojan horse part.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-01-2024 16:26:35 UTC

The Trojan is somewhat confusing but I think it could be cleaned up.
