Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Proposal: [Core] Matters of Urgency

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2024 00:54:36 UTC

In the rule “Calls for Judgement”, after the sentence that begins with “If two or more Necromancers actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset”, add this text after that sentence:

It is generally appropriate to use CfJs to address issues with dynastic rules that prevent the rules from being enforced as intended. Issues of dynastic rules that benefit certain players over others are considered part of the normal BlogNomic proposal debates and are not typically matters of urgency, thus those types of issues should be resolved by introducing further Proposals and not by bypassing the process with a CfJ.

I’m hoping to clarify how CfJs are meant to be used, as I understand them. Debate around this is encouraged.


Clucky: he/himIdle

17-01-2024 21:10:38 UTC

idk if this needs to be in the core rules. maybe somewhere in the appendix?

I also disagree with the phrasing of “It is generally appropriate to use CfJs to address issues with dynastic rules that prevent the rules from being enforced as intended”

I think its subtler than that, though some of it boils down to what “as intended”. I think there are cases where a CfJ being used to patch a game breaking bug are appropriate

Ultimately blognomic does have some unwritten rules. Like “No naked BAMPAMing” (i.e. a proposal that says “reduce Clucky’s Lifeforce by 80” would be in rather poor taste”). But I think those can still be enforced through the proposal system. And that way, as the player base changes the unwritten rules can change to adopt their perfered playstyle.

JonathanDark: he/him

17-01-2024 23:44:06 UTC

I changed my mind on this, and I don’t have anything useful to replace it with at the moment, so I’m just going to against withdraw and lose the slot.