Core Rule Changes?
I didn’t see anything about it but I assume we can change the core rules, what do you guys think about something like this? Or even adding Atomic Actions and Hiatus to the Core section of the rules? Two hours might be a bit long if many more players were added.
Proposal: Note Fix
Add to the section “Proposals”
Proposals have two states, closed and open. Submitted proposals start out with the open state. Open proposals may be voted on and closed proposals cannot be voted on but may be self-killed. When a comment is made that begins with “Note:” and it contains no voting icons, then the proposal’s state is closed. Each Organ may only close a given proposal once. If a proposal is closed, then it may be set to open when all of the players who have closed a proposal post another comment containing an arrow or all of the comments that close a proposal are over 2 hours old.
Change “If no Organ has commented on it, or if the only comments on it begin with “Note:” and contain no voting icons, an official post may be altered or removed by its author;” to-
If no Organ has commented on it, if no votes are cast while it’s state is open, or if the only comments on it begin with “Note:” and have no voting icons, then an official post may be altered or removed by its author;
Not actually a votable matter but discussion, spotting errors or even coming up with better ideas that can lead to improvement in the core game.
This is kinda like a protosal but oh well
Rules which give us more optional tools are never bad imo, unless the way those rules are written is vulnerable because then the rules which use those tools will be vulnerable as well. (For example how the rules that used “may” collapsed because of how the “may” tool was written)