Friday, April 22, 2011

Proposal: Corporate business plans

Adminned at 24 Apr 2011 12:51:47 UTC

Part 1:
If there is a rule entitled “Currency”, add the following text at the end of it:

All Corporations also have a Currency Value which is tracked in the GNDT.  Each Corporation’s entry in the GNDT may be distinguished by stars (for example, “**Bananasoft**”) to distinguish Corporations from Investors in the GNDT.

Part 2:
Award 5,000 Currency to each Corporation that is in existence at the enactment of this Proposal.

Part 3:
Add a new dynastic rule entitled “Business Plans” as follows:

Each Corporation has a Business Plan which is set forth at that Corporation’s entry on the BN Index on the wiki.  A Business Plan is a means of generating a positive, negative or zero integer value, whether by means of the GNDT, by reference to information external to Blognomic, or otherwise.  For example, “Add ((1DICE100) - 40) Credits” could be a valid Business Plan (i.e., each time this Business Plan is Run, the Corporation’s Credits are increased (or decreased) by an amount equal to 1DICE100 minus 40.)  Another potentially valid Business Plan is “Add a number of Credits equal to the current temperature in Chicago, Illinois in degrees Fahrenheit (per, less 50”).  At any time with respect to a particular Corporation, so long as no other Investor has Run that Corporation’s Business Plan within the last 24 hours, any Investor may Run that Corporation’s Business Plan (i.e., compute the number of Credits by which that Corporation’s Credits are to be increased or decreased per its Business Plan, and adjust that Corporation’s Credits in the GNDT accordingly).  A Corporation’s Business Plan may only be changed by a Board Meeting Proposal of that Corporation, but the Market may veto any proposed Business Plan.  The Market is encouraged to explain the criteria that the Market intends to follow when evaluating a Business Plan, such as fairness, the possibility of generating positive or negative results, and lack of ambiguity.

Part 4:
If there is a rule entitled “Board of Directors”, then add “Change the Corporation’s Business Plan (subject to Market approval)” to the list of Eligible Board Matters.

Part 5:
Make"Add ((1DICE100) - 40) Credits” the Business Plan of each Corporation that is in existence at the enactment of this Proposal.

Failed 12-0—Rodlen



22-04-2011 19:34:17 UTC

against “Add ((1DICE100) - 40) Credits” isn’t a valid business plan as defined.  “(1DICE100)-40” is.


22-04-2011 19:44:41 UTC

For example, “Add ((1DICE100) - 40) Credits” could be a valid Business Plan


22-04-2011 20:03:44 UTC

“Add ((1DICE100)-40) Credits” is not a “means of generating a positive, negative or zero integer value”.


22-04-2011 21:07:35 UTC



22-04-2011 23:02:28 UTC



23-04-2011 01:35:38 UTC

against I like the mechanic, but the wording needs fixed/simplified.


23-04-2011 02:00:42 UTC

Before I repropose (once Ihave proposal slots again), suggest all patches here.

Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

23-04-2011 05:55:52 UTC



23-04-2011 08:02:57 UTC

“so long as no other Investor has Run that Corporation’s Business Plan within the last 24 hours”
See last Purplebeard’s Dynasty.


23-04-2011 09:56:04 UTC

against I’d prefer all Business Plans to be run simultaneously, rather than individually as a daily action.


23-04-2011 13:58:12 UTC



23-04-2011 14:00:35 UTC

A Business Plan is a means of generating a positive, negative or zero integer value, whether by means of the GNDT, by reference to information external to Blognomic, or otherwise.

will be replaced by:

A Business Plan is a statement in the form of “Add X Credits”, where X is a means of generating a positive, negative or zero integer value, whether by means of the GNDT, by reference to information external to Blognomic, or otherwise.

Does this work?

Also, the language regarding running Business Plans will be fixed per Purplebeard such that “Rinning the Business Plan” means running all of them.

Roujo: he/him

23-04-2011 17:35:50 UTC



24-04-2011 01:34:57 UTC



24-04-2011 13:58:39 UTC



24-04-2011 16:56:10 UTC
