Proposal: Count ‘em up
Timed out 9-3.—Yoda
Adminned at 05 Jun 2011 13:37:30 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule titled “Points” with the following text:
Each Farmer has a number of Points tracked in the GNDT. New Planters start with 0 Points.
Whenever a Zombie destroys a Crop (by attacking, not exploding) which is not on their Owner’s Plot, the Owner of the Zombie shall receive 5 Points. Whenever a Zombie moves into a house that is on a Plot owned by a Farmer but not by the Zombie’s Owner, the Owner of the Zombie shall receive 15 Points.
Whenever a Zombie is destroyed due to a Crop’s Attack or Counterback Effect and that Crop is not on the Plot of the Zombie’s Owner, the Farmer who owns the Plot that the Crop is shall receive 5 Points.