Monday, February 22, 2010

Proposal: Crisis: Illegitimate Heir

Timed out 4 votes to 8. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Feb 2010 05:44:10 UTC

Set the non-Dead non-Arrested non-Missing Guest with the lowest Relation to be Missing, and their Actual State to whatever it is at the moment.

We recently found out that Lord Cartlesham may not have been as faithful to his wife as the eulogy would have you believe. Given that all us rightful heirs can’t end up with the inheritance if this historical mistake (which unfortunately was not recorded anywhere) remains uncorrected, it’s probably easiest to send them on a holiday to Barbados or somewhere nicely out of the way; we wouldn’t want them dead because of us, but wouldn’t want to miss out on the money either.

If you aren’t next in line to the inheritance (and you should know who you are, through reflecting on family connections), please vote FOR this Crisis. It’ll put you one step closer to winning if you do; and you’re in the majority, because only one person can be next in line.


hellzapoppin: Idle

22-02-2010 12:41:09 UTC


Keba: Idle

22-02-2010 13:19:54 UTC


If i were not a Dead Arival, I would go missing in ~40 hours ;)

Keba: Idle

22-02-2010 13:24:45 UTC

*Late Arival, sorry.

flurie: Idle

22-02-2010 13:34:42 UTC

This seems a little silly, but knocking a peg out can’t hurt!

Anonyman: Idle

22-02-2010 14:02:05 UTC

Hmm… I don’t like the new icons much. Why is the Veto still in the old style? Anyway, imperial

spikebrennan: Idle

22-02-2010 14:05:36 UTC


Klisz: Idle

22-02-2010 15:45:23 UTC

@Anonyman: These are the old ones. The ones that aren’t based on runes. The runic ones were supposed to be only for the Third Dynasty of Bucky, but noone who could change them bothered to change them until now. Also, against  because of the possibility that I might be the illegitimate heir.

Klisz: Idle

22-02-2010 15:48:05 UTC

CoV for  after reading the second paragraph in the flavor text.

Uvthenfuv: Idle

22-02-2010 18:17:30 UTC

I don’t know who it is, but I don’t think he deserves to be randomly thrown out

redtara: they/themIdle

22-02-2010 21:25:29 UTC

for It’s not that we couldn’t be bothered to fix the icons. Qwaz said he preferred the runes.

Keba: Idle

22-02-2010 22:11:46 UTC

@ Uvthenfuv: We are fair, the Heir has a <a src=“”>1/3 chance</a> to remain Heir. If he is lucky, he can achieve Victory.

Otherwise, he might be killed until March…

Keba: Idle

22-02-2010 22:12:49 UTC

Ah, damnit. Id like to click the “preview” button. Sorry. But I think you know what I mean, even if my html sucks.

Klisz: Idle

22-02-2010 22:33:02 UTC

@Ienpw: You mean Wak.

Klisz: Idle

22-02-2010 22:33:38 UTC

Also, Excalabur was too lazy to fix them during this dynasty.

zauper: Idle

22-02-2010 22:48:02 UTC

Actually, Keba—you would go missing. 
“Set the non-Dead non-Arrested non-Missing Guest with the lowest Relation to be Missing”.  Nothing about whether or not they would actually be able to win.

Dislike it - and there’s no reason to stop here.  Why not also do the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc? against

Darknight: he/him

23-02-2010 02:22:14 UTC


Rodlen: Idle

23-02-2010 02:31:44 UTC


redtara: they/themIdle

23-02-2010 02:56:50 UTC

Darth: Yeah.

redtara: they/themIdle

23-02-2010 02:57:41 UTC

Also, CoV against

Bucky: Idle

23-02-2010 03:51:34 UTC

against .  Principle of Induction.

Klisz: Idle

23-02-2010 03:53:02 UTC


Roujo: he/himIdle

23-02-2010 14:24:50 UTC

I’m not sure, but I think this Crisis is illegal… A Crisis is defined in the ruleset as “a solution to a physical problem within the manor (such as a fire, a locked door or a guest who is behaving suspiciously)”. I don’t see how we can throw someout out the door like this when we don’t even know for sure who that person is.

In my opinion, this proposal is as valid as one who would read “Set the state of the Guest who killed Roujo last night to Arrested”, which is to say that it’s not valid at all. Feel free to agree/disagree/otherwise comment on this, as I’d like to know if my interpretation of the Crisis rule is shared by others. =)

Anonyman: Idle

23-02-2010 20:18:05 UTC

Hmm… Roujo, I must say that I agree here. I also dislike the idea of removing Guests by popular vote and without any logical reasoning other than ‘you can gain from this’. CoV against