Proposal: Cutting to the chase
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Jan 2020 16:54:46 UTC
Create a new subrule to the rule “Artefacts” called “Void Razor”:
Description: An emptiness in space shaped as a 2 meter long blade.
Location: Norwich
Protocol: None
Effect: This Artefact is Alive. As its behaviour (and upon its carrier Focusing, and its carrier may Focus), it will cause all Individuals whose Location is “Unknown” to gain 4 Flesh Damage, if any exist. If none exist, it will cause a random Individual at its Location (or an Individual of the carrier’s choice at their Location, if carried) to gain 4 Flesh Damage instead.
I think it would be good to push people out of being in Unknown land all day.
Kevan: he/himIdle
It’s not clear how one “uses” the Razor, here.