Proposal: David Hume’s nightmare.
Adminned at 21 Nov 2008 17:32:54 UTC
Add the sub-rule coherence to the rule 2.1 Plot.
Define an attribute of a character/object to be any aspect of said character/object having objective reality and that can be verified according to an established standard of evaluation (e.g. physical attributes, nationality, religion, occupation, etc.). If a character, called the “author of statement X”, makes a plot seeding post in the main blog which contradicts an attribute which has previously been established, then the first other character to point out the contradiction, will henceforth be known as the “critic of statement X”. An objection to statement X requires a nomination and seconding to be passed, and these may be offered by any active character, with the exception of the author, the critic, and the narrator by placing a FOR symbol in the comments under the objection, followed by a statement of X. The AGAINST symbol has no attached meaning, though characters are free to express reasons they disagree with the objection. Even after an objection has been passed, the narrator may veto the objection by placing the VETO symbol, follwed by a statement of X. Any objection that has passed in this manner must be altered by the author on the wiki page “plot summary”.
and let the games begin!
I’m obviously a bit unsure about using the concept “objective reality” within a plot to a story which doesn’t actually exist, but I mean things which would usually possess objective reality if they existed in our frame of reference.