Friday, October 22, 2021

Proposal: Days until Halloween

Timed out, 10-0. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 25 Oct 2021 07:46:52 UTC

In the Rule “Whose to Sell?”, change “and has a Top Bid which is at least 12 hours old, any Realtor may close it by” to

and has a Top Bid which is at least 24 hours old, any Realtor may close it by

If the Proposal “Let’s Go Slow” did not pass, change “As a Daily Action, a Realtor may Auction the rights to sell a House” to

If they have not done so in the last 72 hours, a Realtor may Auction the rights to sell a House

As per requests, let’s adjust the pace of these Auctions, or Bucks and Houses will be flying like flapjacks.


Brendan: he/him

22-10-2021 21:48:58 UTC

Might want to add a clause along the lines of “enact the Proposal described at if it failed” here.

Kevan: he/him

22-10-2021 22:26:48 UTC

[Brendan] Those “enact the failed proposal” clauses always feel a bit off to me, although I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe because I can’t cast votes that amount to “I don’t like [original proposal], but if it passes I’d prefer [this change]”. Or because what looks like a reasonable patch proposal to a voter in a hurry can potentially drag something back that ended up failing for good reason.


22-10-2021 22:30:53 UTC

It’ll just have to not fail.

Josh: he/they

23-10-2021 09:12:03 UTC

for @Kevan - “enact the failed proposal” clauses do have a weird perverse incentive, but in this case - where the original proposal is, in isolation, quite harmful - they’re useful. Anyone who doesn’t like the original can always vote AGAINST on the remedy as well.

Kevan: he/him

23-10-2021 10:12:14 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

23-10-2021 14:08:02 UTC


Lulu: she/her

23-10-2021 15:25:46 UTC


Vovix: he/him

23-10-2021 20:45:48 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

23-10-2021 22:38:42 UTC


Brendan: he/him

24-10-2021 00:22:21 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

24-10-2021 04:27:16 UTC


lemon: she/her

24-10-2021 10:15:20 UTC



24-10-2021 13:49:46 UTC
