Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Proposal: Defend the Fortress!

used to saythe following (but it proposed a way to alter the fortress, but did not alter the fortress):

Change the proposal previous to this one’s title to “Here lies the Failed Invaders of Loophole, stuck in the Antediluvian Times”.

Add the following sentence between sentences 2 & 3 of rule 1.4.

Whenever a proposal with the sentence “Cheese is Awesome.” is passed, the enacting admin shall add a line of “####” to the beginning and end of the Fortress of Cheese.

7-3, timed out, enacted by Excalabur.

Adminned at 09 Dec 2005 15:18:42 UTC

Replace the text of each pending proposal that does not propose an alteration to the Fortress of Cheese with the text of this proposal.


TrumanCapote: Idle

07-12-2005 02:09:18 UTC


Quazie: Idle

07-12-2005 07:26:53 UTC


Elias IX: Idle

07-12-2005 12:52:25 UTC

Well… depends what beginning and end mean, especially if the fortress has length and width.

Hix: Idle

07-12-2005 16:50:49 UTC


smith: Idle

07-12-2005 17:07:32 UTC

for Since the fortress is made of text (under all that cheese), I think the beginning and end are clear enough. But is the Fortress really rule 1.4? It looks like 2.4 in the ruleset.

Excalabur: Idle

07-12-2005 18:46:00 UTC

It’s definately ‘rule 4’, or ‘rule 2.4’.  which means that this will modify the currently nonexistant ‘rule 1.4’, which is an Instinct. for

Rodney: Idle

08-12-2005 00:34:48 UTC

But it won’t, as this doesn’t modify the Fortress of Cheese.

Excalabur: Idle

08-12-2005 18:52:17 UTC

Sure it does.  The fortress of cheese is modified by this proposal’s effects.

Excalabur: Idle

08-12-2005 18:53:54 UTC

Actually, I could lean either way.

ChronosPhaenon: Idle

08-12-2005 23:56:37 UTC


Quazie: Idle

09-12-2005 00:07:20 UTC

against cuz of 1.4, this should have been trashed anyway as it doesn’t change the cheese fortress

Quazie: Idle

09-12-2005 00:11:27 UTC

COV i like this virus for

Elias IX: Idle

09-12-2005 01:21:23 UTC

Sorry to annoy with these vote counts, but:

3 FOR: Excalabur, Quazie, Smith
3 AGAINST: Hix, Truman, Devil (no Devil voices have voted)
3 DEFERENTIAL, becoming FOR: Chronos Phaenon, Elias IX, Fred

The Chicken is currently forcing Angel to abstain.

Final tally, 6-3. Over 48 hours have passed since this proposal has been proposed.

Excalabur: Idle

09-12-2005 06:55:27 UTC

Elias: You save admin thinking.  While there are a bunch of us, the actual counting in this dynasty has gotten entirely too complicated.

If/when your adminhood proposal passes, you can just count for yourself :)