Proposal: Defense Mechanism
Fails 2-7 -SingularByte
Adminned at 22 Jun 2022 18:54:56 UTC
If the Proposal “Rules of War” was not enacted, skip the rest of this proposal.
Reword the subrule “Counterattack” to read the following:
Guardian Actions are Atomic Actions that may be taken as part of the Provoke the Guardian action. The list of Guardian Actions is contained in the rule “Guardian’s Arsenal.”
The Defense Protocol is a publicly tracked ordered list of Guardian Actions.
Provoking the Guardian is an atomic action with the following steps:
- Remove the front item from the Defense Protocol.
- Perform the Guardian Action that was removed in the previous step.
- Add the Guardian Action that was removed during the first step to the end of the Defense Protocol.
Add a subrule to “Combat” called “Guardian’s Arsenal” with the following text:
Claws: Reduce your Health by 15.
If the Proposal “Glabrous Ooze” was enacted, add the following text to the end of the rule “Guardian’s Arsenal”:
Acid: Reduce your Health and the health of all Phalanxes that you own by 7.
Jaws: Remove one of your Phalanxes from the game.
If the Proposal “Badump” was enacted, add the following text to the end of the rule “Guardian’s Arsenal”:
Breath: Reduce your health by 5 times The Heartbeat of Creation.
Add each Guardian Action listed in the rule “Guardian’s Arsenal.” to the Defense Protocol in a random order.
(Note: This proposal somehow got illegally triple-submitted so I removed the two illegal copies. I blame the server.)