Saturday, September 10, 2022

Proposal: Designated Invaders

Times out 5-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 13 Sep 2022 06:30:50 UTC

Create a new Classification, “Alien”, containing two new Species, “Elf” and “Man”.

In the rule “Demographics”, add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph: “Species in the Alien or Royal Classifications are NPC Species.”

Change replace all instances of the term “non-Royal” in the rule “Demographics” with “non-NPC”.

In the rule “Migrants”, change the text “adding two Migrants of any Species to the Stockpile” to “adding two Migrants of any non-NPC Species to the Stockpile”

In the Effect of the Immigration Station, change “a new Migrant with a randomly-generated Subtype” to “a new Migrant with a randomly-generated non-NPC Species”.

If there is a rule called “Human Kings”, then in the rule “Society” change “an Allegiance, which is the identity of a Baron, idle Baron or other Named Migrant” to “an Allegiance, which is the identity of a Human King, Baron, idle Baron or other Named Migrant” and “the Allegiance of a Migrant in a Baron’s Keep defaults to that Baron” to “the Allegiance of a Migrant in a Baron’s or Human King’s Keep defaults to that Baron or Human King”.

Enacting admins note that new species automagically appear in the table in the rule “Attributes”.


SingularByte: he/him

11-09-2022 04:18:42 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

11-09-2022 15:40:19 UTC



11-09-2022 16:54:31 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

12-09-2022 14:07:33 UTC
