Proposal: Dice Shelf
Reached quorum 9 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 13 Sep 2020 08:43:39 UTC
Replace “Each Island has a number of lists” with:-
Each Island has a number of Terrain Dice (which may be referred to simply as Dice)
Throughout the rule “Lists” and its name, replace “Lists” with “Dice” and “List” with “Die”.
Translate all existing die faces as follows:-
- ”{{L}}+0” becomes “No effect”
- ”{{F}}+0” becomes “No effect”
- ”{{L}}+X” (where X is greater than zero) becomes “X Land”
- ”{{F}}+X” (where X is greater than zero) becomes “X Foliage”
(If the proposal “blognomic in technicolor” failed, consider “{{L}}” to mean “Land” and “{{F}}” to mean “Foliage”, in the above translations.)
As noted in comments on blognomic in technicolor, neither “Brown token.png+0” nor “Land+0” is recognised as a valid face for the BlogNomic dice roller’s custom dice. This changes them to a format that works.
This also rescues Pokes’ “Terrain” keyword, and starts calling these things Dice to make it clearer what’s going on with them.
Raven1207: Monarchple he/they