Proposal: different types of items
Self-killed. Failed by pokes.
Adminned at 05 Apr 2019 23:34:06 UTC
Add to Items:
Cursed versions of items are denoted by having the text “Cursed ” before the name of that item. A cursed item cannot be deleted or destroyed from inventory, all attributes, such as attack power, are considered negative. For any rules that item has, the following words are replaced: “more” and “less”, “gain” and “lose”.
Add to the Item list:
Mystical Amulet
‘‘The runes on this amulet glow with power’‘
*The first spell you cast since the previous respawn costs 1 less to cast. A spell with a negative cost is cast for 0 instead of gaining you AP.Sword of Extinction
‘‘This sword has many words carved in its side: mammoth, owlbear, kobold ... the list goes on for a long time and you don’t recognize most of them’‘
*When Hunting a monster your Might and Magic are considered 1 more if that monster is the only of its kind in the Wilds.
*Attack power: 3Camouflage
‘‘Wearing this ridiculous looking getup makes you feel like a dryad but at least the monsters have a harder time finding you at night’‘
*If you are in the Wilds, as an additional step preceding the camping action, gain one less than DICEX health where X is one more than the number of monsters in your current wild at the time of the last respawn.
*Moving from a Wild to Town costs one additional AP.Duck Whistle
‘‘This makes a sound that attracts a specific monster. Which one is unknown to you’‘
*From the list of non-Dragon monsters, randomly choose one of them. If that monster is in a different wild than you are, change its wild to your current one.
*Destroy after use.Random Cursed Item
*When this item is added to your inventory, lose it and from the list of items not including items with the word random in their name or the Dragon’s Head, add one of the cursed versions of those items.Random Item
*When this item is added to your inventory, delete it and from the list of items not including items with the word random in their name or the Dragon’s Head, add one of those items. Roll a DICE4 and on a 3 or less it becomes the cursed version of that item.Random Regular Item
*When this item is added to your inventory, delete it and from the list of items not including items with the word random in their name or the Dragon’s Head, add one of those items.Curse Item
*When this item is added to your inventory, lose it and choose a random item in your inventory. Add the text “Cursed ” in front of it.
Add the following Monster to the List of Monster Types
Name: Pinata
Hit Points: 5
Frequency: 5
Ecology: All
Spoils: Random Cursed Item (5), Random Item (8), Random Regular Item (12)
Description: This animated paper mache looks like a botched experiment by some deranged wizard. Hopefully there’s something useful inside.Name: Shade
Hit Points: 7
Frequency: 10
Ecology: Dragon’s Lair, Shadow Mountain, Eldritch Ruin
Spoils: Curse Item (0), Curse Item (0), Summoning Pebble (6), Shadowy Tome (7)
Description: These accursed souls still wander after death, attempting to escape the dark deal they made
Add to the list of Trades
2 coins -> Duck Whistle
20 coins -> Camouflage
naught: Idle
Frequency for the Shade is really high.
for now