Friday, August 21, 2015

Ascension Address: Dilemmas

Retribution was swift after the massive leak of JoshCorp client data. Five million confidential profiles had appeared overnight on a public offshore server, without a single speck of a data trail. The tech teams were mystified, but corporate security saw no reason not to round up the usual suspects, skimming the background network traffic from the previous few weeks, kicking down a number of carefully-chosen doors, and dragging a group of protesting misfits along to the stark and separate concrete cells of Quandary State Penitentiary.

It would only be a matter of time.

Change “Hacker” to “Prisoner” and “Zero Cool” to “Warden”. Do not repeal the rule “Hashes” when blanking the dynastic rules.


Kevan: he/him

21-08-2015 10:11:05 UTC

Forgot to make a post-dynastic commentary post, so let’s use this one.

I had suspicions that Josh was :Faction and Purplebeard was :Enthalpy, but there wasn’t quite enough incentive to unmask them, as doing so would have given away that I wasn’t those Codenames. And Winner seemed almost certainly to be :Machiavelli, unless that was a double-bluff by someone making a Proto Codename request just after non-admin Winner had joined the game.

Was any of that right?

Josh: Observer he/they

21-08-2015 11:52:44 UTC

I was :Faction, yes. I was trying to figure out the best way of getting a clean win; as you must have realised, you could set up a Tool that could win the game with just three subroutines (2&~ would have an attack value of 16, although you’d have to refresh the ~ every day). But it seemed unlikely that the other players would let anyone get that far.