Proposal: Disaster Strikes Again! (-12000/12/31)
Timed out with only one vote in favour.—Kevan
Adminned at 22 Aug 2006 08:04:57 UTC
As language develops, Elias IX puts a hindrance on communication for all time.
Add a new Local Rule entitled “The Game of Four (-12000/12/31)” with the following text:
All words in all Travellers’ proposals, may not contain more than four letters. All numerals whose absolute value is less than 100 shall be typed out. (Example: 2 shall be “two”, 4 shall be “four”, 15 could be “ten and five”, but -65000000 may remain the same.)
The only exception to this rule are in the following:
*the text of any proposal that only edits the rule entitled “The Rule Of Many A Word That Is In Code”.Any Proposal made by a Traveller is considered void if it does not follow this rule.
Hix? Some help?
Instead of numeral, perhaps “any integer represented by optional sign (if sign not present, integer is positive) followed by either a single 0 or a non-zero followed by zero or more digits in the range 0123456789 may not be between -99 and +99, inclusive. It is suggested that they be represented using sequences of words with no more than four letters or avoided.”
one two (one plus two) four five six (six plus one) (four plus four) nine ten (ten plus one) . . . (ten plus ten plus one) . . . (ten times four, plus ten, plus one) . . . (four tens and four more tens and one more ten and four and one more four and one) ?