Saturday, August 19, 2023

Proposal: Division of Labour

Enacted popular, 4-0. Josh

Adminned at 20 Aug 2023 21:39:51 UTC

In “Reactions”, replace “Decide: ; then posting a comment on the Dilemma” with:-

Decide: Optionally Labouring; then posting a comment on the Dilemma

To the end of that rule, add:-

To Labour is to select any number of Innovations that you understand and to perform each of their Work effects, in any order.

In “Innovation”, replace “Every time you React to a Dilemma whose number is a multiple of 7, gain 1 Ingenuity.” with:-

Work effect: Gain 1 Ingenuity if you are Reacting to a Dilemma whose number is a multiple of 7.

Replace “Every time you React to a Dilemma whose number is a multiple of 10, gain 1 Food.” with:-

Work effect: Gain 1 Food if you are Reacting to a Dilemma whose number is a multiple of 10.

Replace “Every time you React to a Dilemma whose number is a multiple of 5, you may spend 1 Food to gain 1 in a resource randomly selected between Ingenuity, Defences, and Energy.” with:-

Work effect: If you are Reacting to a Dilemma whose number is a multiple of 5, spend 1 Food to gain 1 in a resource randomly selected between Ingenuity, Defences, and Energy.

Dislocation took us back into “Every time you React to a Dilemma, do X” territory, where it’s unclear when in the atomic actions to apply these clauses: will Indoor Gardens save you from a starvation Dilemma, or not? This restores them to a named step at the start of the Decision.

It also clarifies what happens when two Innovations hinge upon the same variable (eg. Scavenging Parties and Indoor Gardens both firing simultaneously to “gain 1 Food” and “may spend 1 Food”), by saying that the player can choose the order in which these occur.


Josh: he/they

19-08-2023 17:03:36 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

20-08-2023 06:01:47 UTC


lemon: she/herIdle

20-08-2023 08:03:39 UTC
