Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Proposal: Do it with Honor

Timed out 3 votes to 5. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 23 Mar 2012 05:57:46 UTC

In the rule “Resources”, replace the text:

Each Player has the following Resources as non-negative integers tracked in the GNDT that default to 0: Credits, Councilmen, Marines, and Power.


Each Player has the following Resources as non-negative integers tracked in the GNDT that default to 0: Credits, Councilmen, Honor, Marines, and Power.

In the rule “Institutions”,replace:

The Courthouse: When a player influences the Courthouse they gain 1 power


The Courthouse: When a player influences the Courthouse they gain 1 power and 1 honor

In the rule “Cycle Resolution”, replace:

If there is none, if one of the Players who Directed the most Marines to that Institution has Directed more Credits than any of the other Players who Directed the most Marines to that Institution, then that Player influences the Institution. If there is none, no Player Influences that Institution.


If there is none, the player who has more honor influences that Institution, if neither player has more honor then if one of the Players who Directed the most Marines to that Institution has Directed more Credits than any of the other Players who Directed the most Marines to that Institution, that Player influences the Institution. If there is none, no Player Influences that Institution.

This makes the Courthouse give out honor, which can be used for tiebreakers.
I didn’t know whether or not I should change the “Inflation” rule in this proposal so I left it out for the time being.


Kevan: he/him

21-03-2012 12:43:43 UTC

against Four numerical stats seem like enough.


21-03-2012 13:20:03 UTC

for I like the balance, though Kevan is right, it may over-complicate the game.


21-03-2012 13:33:21 UTC

for Though I share some of the concerns about over-complication, I like the idea. Lets try to move towards using the resources we have in different ways than they are now.


21-03-2012 15:22:48 UTC

against The nested if/then’s are increasingly unreadable and inconsistent. Suggested rewrite:

When an Institution is resolved, its Candidates are determined as follows:
* Start with all Players who Directed any Resources to it.
* Remove any Candidates who Directed fewer Marines to it than another Candidate.
* Remove any Candidates with less honor than another Candidate.
* Remove any Candidates who Directed fewer Credits to it than another Candidate.
* If exactly one Candidate remains, then he Influences it. Otherwise, no one does.


21-03-2012 15:23:05 UTC

against Messes up with the MPI concept. I like the idea generally, though.


21-03-2012 15:24:08 UTC

@Murphy, good idea, but you’d have to provide for active/inactive institutions.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

21-03-2012 18:47:28 UTC



21-03-2012 20:04:35 UTC

@Murphy: Something like what you suggest is much easier to read, but it’s saying the same thing and can be changed at a later date.

@ChronosPhaenon: Not necessarily, honor can easily be added to the MCI equation, I just didn’t know if people would want that or not.


21-03-2012 22:41:06 UTC
