Proposal: Domains
Quorums 5-0. — Quirck
Adminned at 03 Jul 2013 08:20:20 UTC
Enact a new rule, titled “Domains”
There shall be a new property of Atoms called their Domain. Two Atoms with the same Domain property are to be called “in the same Domain.” The GNDT column “Domain” specifies an Atom’s Domain. A valid Domain is any string of characters; it is encouraged to use easily distinguishable names. A new Domain is created by an Atom moving or being moved into it. A Domain is destroyed if it no longer has any Atoms in it, unless it is “Origin”. The Domain “Origin” cannot be destroyed. Atoms in the same Domain can be Bonded; Atoms not in the same Domain cannot. All Atoms are by default in the Domain “Origin.” As a Daily Action an Atom may change its own Domain. An Atom may spend one Challenge Point at any time to change the Domain of another Atom.
Amend Rule 2.2 (Peterson): Change sentence
Two Atoms are Bonded if they both have Essences, and their Essences have no letter in common.
Two Atoms are Bonded if they both have Essences, their Essences have no letter in common, and they are in the same Domain.
To simulate physical closeness, and reduce the triviality of bonding. Additionally, couples the elementary logic and physics parts of the rules.