DRAFT An End of Choice
Add a new instution, reading:
Fate: When a player influences Fate, they lose 1 of each resource they possess at least one of. In addition, during the next cycle, they may send the Net a message containing the word CONTROL, in all caps, listing every institution and which Player, or stating that no player, they claim will influence each institution that Cycle.
In the rule “Cycle Resolution”, replace “Then a new Cycle begins.” with the text:
If each claim made by the player who influenced Fate last Cycle in their Control message was accurate, first, if a single Player has more Councilmen than every other player, that player gains an amount of Power equal to one tenth of the total amount of Power owned by all other players combined.
Then, if a single Player has more Power than every other player, that player has achieved victory. This player is encouraged to explain the cause of the dark Ansible, and the fate of Blogia, in any Declarations of Victory they make in the near future.
Otherwise, a new Cycle begins.
Remove the rule “The End”
No information is coming over the Ansible - but that doesn’t mean that its necessarily broken. Maybe someone has been blacking it out intentionally. Maybe all the other planets were invaded. I think the Players should decide. Plus, this is a cool mechanic IMO - it has some unpredictability to it, but its highly influenced by both a player’s ability to read the game, and the amount of influence that they have on a Cycles outcome - thus its not generally predictable, but is primarily based on how savvy and powerful the guessing player is. This also removes the rule “The End” - if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time in Aeonomic, its make your order clear ;)
The language is sloppy - input is appreciated.
This proposal appears to still let me take an item from each of an infinite number of sets and is so misnamed.