Saturday, January 15, 2022

Call for Judgment: Easy Way Out

Cannot be enacted with six votes against. Josh

Adminned at 15 Jan 2022 21:54:47 UTC

If a DoV has been enacted since this CfJ was posted, this CfJ does nothing

Zack has achieved victory in the current dynasty. Remove any restrictions against Zack posting a DoV in the current dynasty

People seem to be objecting to the DoV on a 30 second technicality. Not sure why we need to unwind everything and figure out where to restart. Just let Zack have his win.


Josh: Mastermind he/they

15-01-2022 18:25:58 UTC

Eh; either Zack has won, in which case voting for the DoV expresses that, or he hasn’t, in which case I’m not sure that this CfJ is the right way to handle it.

against for now but I’ll keep an eye on the arguments

Clucky: he/him

15-01-2022 18:28:46 UTC

If Zack hasn’t won, its on the pettiest of technicalities. I don’t see what’s wrong with just saying “okay actually he’s still won”.

Seems a lot easier than figuring out the proper way of unwinding the gamestate.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

15-01-2022 18:37:40 UTC

As usual, I’ll simply observe that you are only against technicalities when you’re not using them and leave it at that.

Clucky: he/him

15-01-2022 18:43:58 UTC

could say the same thing about you but here we are

Josh: Mastermind he/they

15-01-2022 18:48:21 UTC

Sure, I don’t feel the need to be particularly consistent.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

15-01-2022 18:53:25 UTC

Right now I’m not really “using” anything, though, for the record; Zack was my candidate and I was happy to see him win. But linear time exists and while the way it worked out is unfortunate I don’t think it can easily be swept away; we’ve had victories go down to millisecond timings before, after all.

Oh, also, the text doesn’t quite work, I think; either this CfJ creates an ongoing, persistent field in which the re-DoV timeout restriction no longer applies to Zack, in which case it doesn’t actually take effect:

“If the Admin enacting a Votable Matter reaches a step which cannot be applied immediately (e.g. “two days after this Votable Matter enacts, Tripper A gains 1 point”), that step is ignored for the purposes of enactment. Once a Votable Matter has been enacted, it can have no further direct effect on the gamestate.”

... Or, more worryingly, it can be interpreted as just repealing the re-DoV timeout clause from the ruleset, which I am definitely against.

Brendan: he/him

15-01-2022 19:04:51 UTC



15-01-2022 20:14:34 UTC


Zack: he/him

15-01-2022 21:01:02 UTC

against I appreciate the attempt but as Josh said this will either have no effect on my ability to post a DOV, or unintentionally remove text from the ruleset.

Kevan: he/him

15-01-2022 21:34:57 UTC


Clucky: he/him

15-01-2022 21:44:39 UTC

against no longer needed