Proposal: The Minor Fixes
Passes 9-0, reaches Quorum. The pronoun ‘E’ in the second sentence is ambiguous and probably should be cleared up. Enacted by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 05 Apr 2006 09:25:56 UTC
If the Rule “Vows” does not exist, this Proposal does nothing.
Change the following in the rule “Vows”
The Abbot may at any time ask a Monk to undergo a Vow, in which case the asked Monk readily accepts.
The Abbot may at any time ask a Monk to undergo a Vow, in which case the asked Monk readily accepts. E does this by posting notice to the front page. In addition, any Monk may undergo a Vow, if e is not already doing so, by posting notice to the front page.
Angry Grasshopper: