Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Proposal: Electronic Line Judge

Timed out and passed, 5-1. Josh

Adminned at 22 Jul 2011 00:39:23 UTC

Reword the rule “Log Entries” from:-

All actions that result in changes to the The Arena wiki page must be logged as individual actions in the wiki, along with a description of what event has taken place.


When a Gladiator performs one or more Main Actions which make a change to The Arena wiki page, the edit summary of that change must include the names of those Main Actions (or other forms of their lexemes; eg. “stepping” or “stepped” instead of “step”).

Rename “Stepping” to “Step”, “Shoving” to “Shove” and “Using a Weapon” to “Attack”.

Attempting a clarification of “description”, and saying something less ambiguous than “logged as individual actions in the wiki” (what is an “action in the wiki”?).


Josh: he/they

19-07-2011 18:37:38 UTC

imperial I am apathetic about this entire dispute. The important part of that rule is that each action is processed as an individual edit, not what the comment box says - the edit summaries are signposting, nothing more.


19-07-2011 19:42:13 UTC

for I like this.

@Josh: You are completly right about the signposting. But seeing the chaos then builds when legal moves follow suit on illegal moves, signposts would be really helpful!


19-07-2011 20:26:32 UTC


Prince Anduril:

19-07-2011 22:21:43 UTC

for Personally, I think it’s a bit much that my (otherwise) legal actions were reverted simply because I didn’t log them individually. After all, I logged them well enough in the GNDT, so people could see what I was doing.


19-07-2011 22:27:11 UTC



19-07-2011 23:51:19 UTC



20-07-2011 02:57:17 UTC

Once you spend a quarter of your blognomic-time trying to figure out what other people did who might have or not logged them well enough at some place or another with several tabs, you will grow to like proper logging at a predetermined place.