Proposal: Enter the Buckybot
Justly vetoed.—Kevan
Adminned at 29 Aug 2006 20:20:50 UTC
[ Maybe we need a robot to keep us on our toes while Bucky’s away… ]
Enact a new rule, “The Buckybot”:-
The Buckybot’s votes are counted for the purposes of the “Enactment” rule, but the bot is not a Musician and does not affect the value of quorum.
If the Buckybot has not voted on a specific proposal, any Musician may roll 2DICE6 in the GNDT to see how the Buckybot votes on it. If the first die rolls a 1 or 2, the Buckybot votes FOR. If it rolls 3 or 4, the Buckybot votes DEFERENTIAL. If it rolls 5 or 6, the Buckybot votes AGAINST.
The Buckybot also comments according to the result of the second die:-
- No comment.
- Please continue.
- This does not affect my plans.
- This doesn’t achieve anything.
- This is scammable.
- This vote has no purpose.
The Musician who rolled the dice should then make a voting comment on the relevant proposal, with the text “Buckybot says…” followed by the rolled voting icon, followed by the rolled comment, with no other content. Such a comment counts as the Buckybot’s vote rather than the vote of the posting Musician.
If a Musician rolls the dice for the Buckybot but does not post the matching voting comment within an hour, any other Musician may set the offending Musician’s Instrument to anything they feel like.