Thursday, June 03, 2021

Proposal: Exit Through The Gift Shop

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 04 Jun 2021 15:43:21 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Installation”:-

The Installer Directory is a list of Brokers, tracked publicly. Brokers on this list are called Installers. Any Broker may add themselves to the list at any time before Round 13 begins, if they are not already on it.

If the current Round is 14, the Installer(s) with the lowest Kudos should arrange for some kind of physical copy of a piece of art from the dynasty to be delivered to the Installer(s) with the highest Kudos.

An opt-in physical prize. Imagine owning your own piece of stock savannah photography, or an original Keith Haring.



03-06-2021 18:06:07 UTC

I like this idea so much that I want to vote AGAINST only because I’ll likely be on neither end and I’ll feel like I’m missing out

Josh: he/they

03-06-2021 18:25:02 UTC

for oh my word


03-06-2021 18:36:32 UTC


Janet: she/her

03-06-2021 18:57:26 UTC


Clucky: he/him

03-06-2021 18:58:14 UTC

Might need some kind of permanence.

“arrange for some kind of physical copy of a piece of art from the dynasty to be delivered to the Installer(s) with the highest Kudos” is technically a dynastic action. Meaning this could only be done between when Round 14 goes up, and between when the winner posts their DoV which might not be much time at all.

Kevan: he/him

03-06-2021 19:03:29 UTC

People can still send each other stuff after the dynasty has ended, if they like, for no reason.

Clucky: he/him

03-06-2021 19:04:54 UTC

right. this just doesn’t seem to have a ton of tooth as an actual rule. will probably have to be an informal thing, and this is just a formal way to gauge interest

Kevan: he/him

03-06-2021 19:23:40 UTC

Yeah, I didn’t want to get bogged down requiring gamestate tracking of who’s sent what that persisted into the next dynasty, it’s just an amusing bit of sideshow.

Clucky: he/him

03-06-2021 19:46:24 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

03-06-2021 20:29:29 UTC


lemon: she/her

03-06-2021 22:22:12 UTC
