Call for Judgment: False Start
Failed via the passage of “False False Start” by Brendan.
Adminned at 19 Dec 2021 17:52:56 UTC
In “Road Map” change “If a Tripper’s Location is the name of a Stop, then the Tripper is said to occupy that Stop” to “If a Tripper’s Location is the number and name of a Stop, then the Tripper is said to occupy that Stop”
Make all Trippers not Ready. Then return each Trippers Readiness status to its normal definition under the rules.
Reset the location and coins of all Trippers to their default values.
I performed a scam where, because “occupy” was defined in such a way that no one actually could occupy any location, everyone moved right away because everyone was always ready because waiting required there to be someone occupying a location and you cannot occupy any locations.
Taking this opportunity to do a game reset feels the most fair.
Kevan: he/him
The term “occupy” is only used a couple of times in the ruleset: in the definition of the Buddy system and in the 48-hour timeout destination check. It invalidates most of my timeout moves, but I think that’s all. I don’t see how it allows you to move everyone to Stop 15.