Proposal: Familiar Faces
popular 7 to 1. Enacted by Derrick
Adminned at 07 May 2020 21:19:00 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Recognition”:-
As a weekly action, the Past Memory may trigger a Flashback for every Amnesiac, by selecting (at secretly random) one of the Amnesiacs who the Amnesiac undergoing the Flashback Recognises, and privately informing them of the Recognised Amnesiac’s name. If the Amnesiac experiencing a Flashback Recognises nobody, they are instead told this.
Recognition is determined as follows:
* All Sheriffs and Deputies recognise all Sheriffs and Deputies.
* The Mayor recognises all Sheriffs.
* The Burglar recognises all Sheriffs and Deputies.
* The Vandal recognises all Deputies.
* All Gardeners recognise all Carpenters, and vice versa.
* All Hunters recognise all Fishermen, and vice versa.
* The Private Eye recognises everyone.
* Everyone recognises the Mayor.(An Amnesiac is not considered to Recognise themselves.)
Clucky: he/him
Do we need a clause for what happens if there are no Amnesiacs that you recognize? If the mayor is assigned its not a problem but if they go idle it could maybe be a problem