Proposal: FF8 is GOAT
Reached quorum 8 votes to 6. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 17 Nov 2021 10:40:20 UTC
If Proposal: King of the Ring was not enacted, this proposal has no effect.
Add the following to the end of the second paragraph in the rule Realtor Rumble:
All Idle Realtors may be referred to as Members of the Audience.
Add a new rule to the ruleset, called Rowdy Rumble:
Members of the Audience may carry out Audience Actions. Each Audience Action has a wind-up, which must be a non-negative integer; a Member of the Audience can only carry out an Audience Action if they have not carried out an Audience Action in the preceding X days, where X is the wind-up for the Audience Action they are carrying out.
*Each Realtor has a publicly tracked number of Yays or Boos, with a starting value of zero; as an Audience Action with a wind-up of 1, a Member of the Audience may add a Yay or a Boo to the Realtor who us Up.
*As an Audience Action with a wind-up of 2, an Audience Member may Chant by posting their Chant in the comments to the dice roller. When the Realtor who was Up when the Chant was posted next rolls a Fighting Dice, they may reroll any “Miss” results that they have from preceding Fight Dice rolls in the same Fighting action.
*As an Audience Action with a wind-up of 3, an Audience Member may Goad by making a Story Post to the blog, whose title has the format of “Goading on Y” where Y is the name of a single Realtor who is not currently Up. Once, within 24 hours of having been named as the subject of a Goading Action, a Realtor may take a Fighting Action without being Up, omitting only the last step of that Atomic Action.
*As an Audience Action with a wind-up of 5, an Audience Member may Throw a Chair by making a Story Post to the blog, whose title has the format of “Throwing a Chair to Y” where Y is the name of a single Realtor. The next time that Realtor takes a Fighting action, they may select any Realtor to be Up at the end of their Action instead of their Opponent.
Cool stuff, but I’m not sure we have to limit the fun to Idle Realtors. Being able to vote on things and have a team, vs being able to directly contribute to a team, doesn’t sound like a fun decision to me. Also, if your plan is to be idle for the dynasty, why are you even reading this much ruletext?