Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Proposal: Finances and Bureaucracy

Can’t meet quorum with 9 AGAINST, 2 FOR. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 22:29:09 UTC

Add “Finance” to the list of Departments in the rule “Departments”. Create a subrule of the rule “Departments”, entitled “Finance”:

An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they belong to the Finance Department. As a Weekday Action, an Employee may allocate funds by performing the following atomic action:
* For each non-Finance Department, count its Bureaucracy score (B). The Bureaucracy score for a Department is the total of the Seniorities of all members of that Department, excluding the CEO.
* For each non-Finance Department with a B lower than 20, transfer $20-B from the Company Budget to that Department’s Budget, where B is that Department’s Bureaucracy score. If there aren’t enough funds to complete all of those transfers, do those transfers divided by 10, instead.
* Increase the Options of each member of their Team according the Incentive Formula.

In “Boring Box Company”, after “The Company Budget is a monetary value that is tracked on the Company Portal.” insert:

Each Department has a Department Budget, which is a publicly tracked monetary value.

In the subrules “Research & Development” and “Manufacturing”, change all instances of “the company budget” to “the X Department’s Budget”, where X is the name of the respective subrule.

So, I’m creating a Finance department that will divide the company’s budget between the other three departments, so we don’t go broke again. Departments can only spend from their own budgets, not from the Company’s funds directly. (Sales gets a budget, too. We can have them start spending on advertising, or something like that.)

Departments with fewer and/or lower-ranked Employees will get a bit extra to their budget for having a lower “Bureaucracy score”, as an incentive to keep Department sizes relatively even, and to keep their Seniority levels in check.


Josh: he/they

19-01-2022 10:01:06 UTC


Lulu: she/herIdle

19-01-2022 14:12:28 UTC


lendunistus: he/himIdle

19-01-2022 14:57:06 UTC


Makes us less flexible (and also gives us a whole new department to manage)

Brendan: he/himIdle

19-01-2022 15:13:24 UTC

against The optimal move for the entire department is to grind by just re-allocating the same funds over and over again.

Raven1207: he/they

19-01-2022 19:37:13 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

19-01-2022 20:13:33 UTC


Clucky: he/himIdle

19-01-2022 20:33:19 UTC


Silverwing: she/herIdle

19-01-2022 22:08:03 UTC


Darknight: he/him

19-01-2022 22:09:39 UTC


Zack: he/himIdle

19-01-2022 22:20:32 UTC
