Proposal: Firm Foundation
Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 4 votes to 7 by Kevan.
Adminned at 21 Oct 2021 16:58:58 UTC
Add a dynastic rule called “Firms” and give it the following text
Each Realtor may belong to a Firm, or no Firm at all (and by default belong to no firm at all). Each Firm has a name, which may only contain letters, numbers, and spaces, cannot be empty, and is considered to be flavor text. The name of the Firm a Realtor belongs to is publicly tracked (if they belong to no firm, this field is blank). Each Firm also optionally has a Leader, which is a Realtor belonging to that Firm. A Firm’s Leader is tracked by appending a * next to the Firm’s name for that realtor. Two Realtors who share the same Firm are said to be Partners.
As a Weekly Action, a Realtor may Start a Firm by choosing a Name which does not belong to any other Firm and setting their Firm to be a newly created Firm with that name, at which point they become that Firm’s Leader.
If a firm does not have a Leader, any Realtor who belongs to that Firm may choose to become its Leader. If the Leader of a Firm goes idle, or ceases to belong to that Firm, they cease to be its Leader.
As a Daily Action, a Realtor may request to join a Firm. To do so, they must make a Story Post to the blog naming the firm that they wish to join. If a Realtor (The Requester) has requested to join a Firm (The Target) within the last 24 hours, and has not had their firm changed in the last 24 hours, then the Leader of the Target may set the Requester’s firm to be the Target.
Trapdoorspyder: he/him
Not super against this mechanically, but if you think about the lore I’ve set forth, it doesn’t really make sense for a bunch of greedy realtors who just paid their soul to get into a contest for loads of money to work together to try and sell houses.