Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Proposal: Formation

Self-killed. — Quirck

Adminned at 11 Jun 2013 09:00:24 UTC

Enact a new rule entitled “Formulae”:

A Variable is a single lowercase letter that is either True or False within the context that it’s in. A Connective is a nonalphanumeric symbol that is [monovalent, placed before a Formula] XOR [bivalent, placed between two Formulae]. A Formula is a single Variable XOR a finite sequence of Variables with properly-placed Connectives. Brackets (”[” and “]”) can be placed around Formulae and phrases to disambiguate the order in which a Connective applies.

Enact a new (empty) rule entitled “Definitions”.

Enact a new subrule of “Definitions” entitled “NOT”:

NOT is a monovalent Connective. [x is True] IMPLIES [[NOT x] is False]. [x is False] IMPLIES [[NOT x] is True].

Enact a new subrule of “Definitions” entitled “IMPLIES”:

IMPLIES is a bivalent Connective. [x IMPLIES y] is True unless [x is True] AND [y is False].

I suppose that this is a way to get started. It seems awfully slow (and lame) though. I don’t suppose we could somehow easily import the necessary axioms and deductions?
It shouldn’t be long before we come up with Nomic-specific stuff. That also entails screwing with these definitions, I hope.



11-06-2013 03:16:50 UTC

Perhaps we could just say something along the lines of “a Formula or Connective is assumed to be used according to its normal mathematical or logical usage unless explicitly stated otherwise” instead of building this mundane stuff from scratch, then immediately define things specific to Nomic?


11-06-2013 03:23:47 UTC

Also, we definitely shouldn’t limit ourselves to propositional calculus. I would be prepared to self-kill this, but I’ll wait to see what others think.

redtara: they/them

11-06-2013 03:37:30 UTC

Hm. Why is NOT defined but XOR isn’t?


11-06-2013 03:42:19 UTC

I found it hard to define all of the basic binaries noncircularly. Taking such things for granted would solve the problem.


11-06-2013 04:08:27 UTC

Bah. Bivalent nonsense. Real men don’t use the law of the excluded middle.

redtara: they/them

11-06-2013 04:08:44 UTC

Fair enough. I’ll reread and vote in the morning.

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

11-06-2013 04:20:04 UTC

don’t you also need to define XOR and AND? Its a little confusing that we define NOT but then rely on the standard English definition of those.


11-06-2013 04:28:51 UTC

I think you can just define these terms based on commonly used logic operators. We can probably use -> for implies, ! for not, * or ^ for AND, + for OR, or == for equivalent to (operator), and <-> or = for defined as (definition).

redtara: they/them

11-06-2013 05:58:21 UTC

against in favour of Clucky’s proposal.

quirck: he/him

11-06-2013 06:01:37 UTC

I think either strict rules are needed defining everything or just list the symbols to be used as in maths. Then, brackets can be placed and can be not placed, do we use usual precedence?..

RaichuKFM: she/her

11-06-2013 06:32:58 UTC



11-06-2013 14:18:38 UTC

against Selfkill for Clucky