Saturday, December 01, 2007

Proposal: Freyja’s Armies

s/k, failed by aaronwinborn

Adminned at 02 Dec 2007 10:22:21 UTC

In the “Einherjar candidates” rule, and anywhere else it appears, change the text “Einherjar candidates Date:X” to read “Discoveries and Einherjar candidates Date:X”.

Add a rule named “Freyja” with the following text:

There exists an entity Freyja that is not the Allfather or a Valkyrie. Freyja may, however, have a section in the Einherjar page.

Add a rule named “Armies” with the following text:

Armies are built of animals, creatures, and monsters of the Norse mythos. Each class of army is tracked on the Einherjar page, under the sections for Loki and Freyja, along with any Special Attributes, the value of Battle Experience (which always starts at 0), and any other Attributes, Statistics, or Values directed by the ruleset.

An army may possess up to three Special Attributes, following the same guidelines as for Einherjar in the Special Attributes sub-rule of the Einherjar rule.

Once per week, a Valkyrie may discover an army, by posting a comment to the stickied “Discoveries & Einherjar Candidates” post with the phrase, “I discovered [army]”, with a link to a web page describing it, and where [army] is a type of animal, creature, or monster of the Norse mythos that has not already been discovered.

At any time, the Allfather may create a discovered army from a relevant post, assigning it to Freyja or Loki as he sees fit, and recording it in the proper section.

Add the following text to the “Checks and Balances” rule:

The Allfather may, at any time, destroy an Army from the Loki’s or Freyja’s list of armies. The army ceases to exist, and the Allfather may create and assign a new army from the same post as the original.



01-12-2007 14:51:17 UTC

I’m not sure it clearly defines the statistics, otherwise for but imperial for now.


01-12-2007 16:37:48 UTC

my idea was that armies wouldn’t have statistics themselves (too many numbers already), but that they could have attributes that might affect statistics of einherjar captains, for instance, elves might raise artistry of their captain, or orcs might raise combat of their captain when fighting elves.

i hope that is clear in the proposal. i also made room in there if people later decide to add army statistics, and hix isn’t already too overwhelmed with numbers.


01-12-2007 16:39:33 UTC

thus, “any other Attributes, Statistics, or Values directed by the ruleset” is vague enough that it does nothing for now, but if we add new stats, etc, they’ll be recorded in that section.

Clucky: he/him

01-12-2007 17:51:14 UTC

against This is different from Einherjar how?

Amnistar: he/him

01-12-2007 17:55:12 UTC



01-12-2007 20:45:27 UTC

for This automatically gives opponents.

Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

01-12-2007 22:40:42 UTC



01-12-2007 23:08:49 UTC



01-12-2007 23:17:27 UTC

against I am abandoning this for Back on Track.


02-12-2007 16:19:58 UTC



02-12-2007 18:21:27 UTC

against s/k