Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Proposal: From horror mansion to Scooby Doo mansion

Withdrawn and therefore failed -SingularByte

Adminned at 09 Dec 2022 15:10:21 UTC

If the proposal Exit Light, Enter Night failed, this proposal does nothing. Otherwise:

Delete the text “if that Explorer is still in the same room and is still possessed by Katastrophe” from Malfeasances.

Append to the third paragraph of that rule the text:

Some Malfeasances may have a number of instances of the word(s) [Room] or [Room X] (where X is a positive integer) in their name or effect in the table below. This is that Malfeasance’s Target Room or Target Rooms, and should be replaced by valid names of rooms by the Narrator; they may do so at any time while any of the Malfeasance’s Target Rooms are either not chosen or not valid. A Malfeasance with some number of invalid Target Rooms is not said to have an illegal value, however its effect as a Planned Action is considered to be blank.

A valid value for Target Rooms is Any. If this is chosen, then any explorer using the Malfeasance must choose the Target Room they wish its effect to apply to.

Append to the final line in Mansion Phase:

In cases where actions and effects cannot occur simultaneously and one must occur before the other, any of those effects is randomly chosen to occur before the others that it conflicts with by the Narrator. The Narrator is not obligated to use the Dice Roller for this purpose and may choose to determine the random roll secretly.

In Mansion Phase, replace the second bullet point with the following bullet points:

* In the order in which the Rooms are listed in Banewood Mansion, for each Explorer in that Room, carry out any Malfeasances that the Explorer is taking and any Effects that occur as a result of that Planned Action
* In the order in which the Rooms are listed in Banewood Mansion, for each Explorer in that Room, carry out non-Malfeasance non-Movement Planned Action that the Explorer is taking and any Effects that occur as a result of that Planned Action, as well as any ongoing Effects that apply to the Explorer
* In the order in which the Rooms are listed in Banewood Mansion, for each Explorer in that Room, carry out any Movement Planned Actions that the Explorer is taking and any Effects that occur as a result of that Planned Action

In the rule Malfeasances, replace the contexts of the table with:

| Kidnap to [Room] || The acting Explorer and the named target Explorer are moved to the Target Room, and any Movement Planned Actions for the transported Explorers are replaced with Rest || An Explorer other than the actor, in the same Room as the actor
| Send from [Room 1] to [Room 2] || Any number of chosen Explorers in [Room 1] are moved to [Room 2], and any Movement Planned Actions for the transported Explorers are replaced with Rest || An Explorer in [Room 1]
| Summon from [Room] || The named target Explorer are moved from the Target Room to this one, and any Movement Planned Actions for the transported Explorer are replaced with Rest || An Explorer in the Target Room
| Lock/Unlock door to [Room] || The directional connection between the room and its Target Room is toggled between being valid or invalid for Planned Actions other than Peeking, and Locking and Unlocking || n/a
| Lock/Unlock door between [Room 1] and [Room 2] || The directional connection between the Target Rooms is toggled between being valid or invalid for Planned Actions other than Peeking, and Locking and Unlocking || n/a

Replace the line “The default Planned Action is to Peek North.” in Explorer Actions with:

The default Planned Action is Rest.

Planned Actions are not considered to be Movement Planned Actions unless otherwise declared to be so in the rules. Walk and Flee are Movement Planned Actions.

This does a few things. Mainly, it splits actions into separate steps which is more work but should stop strange interactions that occur, and it adds in a couple of of groups of malfeasances to make it harder for Explorers to guess exactly what a given Malfeasance is and who performed it. For the steps, I imagine a spreadsheet could keep things in order but if this is too complex too quickly, I would understand a veto.


JonathanDark: he/him

07-12-2022 21:42:33 UTC

Thank you for this!

JonathanDark: he/him

07-12-2022 21:42:59 UTC

Also, no veto from me. I’m confident that my spreadsheet abilities can handle this.

Josh: he/they

07-12-2022 22:08:38 UTC

“Some Malfeasances may have a number of instances the word(s) [Room] or [Room X] (where X is a positive integer) in their name or effect in the table below”

This sentence doesn’t seem to completely parse - is it missing a word? Maybe “of” after ‘instances’?

SingularByte: he/him

07-12-2022 22:27:25 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

08-12-2022 00:08:35 UTC

Aren’t the multiple instances of lock/unlock redundant? I can’t tell a functional difference between the two. Also, send from [Room 1] to [Room 2] says any number of players in the description, but then it says for the target on one player.

JonathanDark: he/him

08-12-2022 01:02:12 UTC

Agreed with Trapdoorspyder, and additionally I’d rather not have an implicit two-way connection between Rooms, so the “lock/unlock door between” ideally should be removed. A connection might be one-way, and the way back may be through a different connection or no connection at all.

JonathanDark: he/him

08-12-2022 01:03:47 UTC

That said, I realize it’s well past the 4-hour window since I initially said I liked this Proposal. We’ll see how the voting goes, but I’m willing to patch up these issues in a later Proposal.

SingularByte: he/him

08-12-2022 05:20:36 UTC

The differences are basically to do with whether the malfeasance is in the room that you’re applying the effect to or not. E.g. send was meant to represent something like a lever you pull from an unrelated room to drop people from one room to another.

It’s possible this might need another pass of editing for some of them.

Josh: he/they

08-12-2022 08:19:37 UTC

against I like the thrust but I’ve read it closely twice and I’m still not entirely clear on how the [Room X] business works - I think it needs either simplifying for a first proposal and then building upon, or at the very least another pass to clarify the language and draw out the interactions.

SingularByte: he/him

08-12-2022 09:13:08 UTC

Would this be more legible?

“Some Malfeasances may have a number of instances of [Room X] in their name or effect in the table below, where X is a positive integer. This is placeholder text for the name of a room and while a malfeasance has such a placeholder, the entire malfeasance is considered to be flavour text and thus cannot be used as a Planned Action. At any time, the Narrator is permitted to replace that placeholder with the actual current name of a Room. If there are multiple placeholders in a single Malfeasance that bear the same integer X, these placeholders must be replaced by the same Room Name as each other.

If a Room Name is not valid in the Malfeasance, it is considered to be the placeholder instead of its invalid value, and thus it is not considered illegal for such a placeholder to hold an invalid value.

The Room Name of “Any” is considered to be a valid Room Name in Malfeasances. For each such instance of that Room Name, an Explorer using the Malfeasance chooses the Room Names for that instance of the usage. The explorer is still obligated to follow all rules about the legality of choices that the Narrator otherwise would, including that if multiple placeholders that shared the same integer are replaced by Any then those must be the same room as each other when a Room is chosen.”

Kevan: he/him

08-12-2022 09:13:15 UTC

for The only bit I don’t quite follow is why it’s using [Room 1] and [Room 2] instead of just saying [Room] twice. Seems like it’s missing a clause that the chosen rooms have to be different, when numbered like that.

Josh: he/they

08-12-2022 09:28:43 UTC

I think at this stage, while only the narrator can make rooms, it’s too much pipe when you can just say “the narrator chooses the rooms that this malfeasance refers to” and let them notate it however they like.

If we want to open up room-making later then we can worry about the formalism of that when it happens.

Benbot: he/him

08-12-2022 13:48:13 UTC

against Because Personal Taste

Lulu: she/her

08-12-2022 14:32:33 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

08-12-2022 17:06:33 UTC

[SingularByte] Since this might be headed for failure, would you be ok with splitting this out into two proposals, one for the Mansion Phase steps and another for the Malfeasance enhancements? I’m not saying that you have to propose both, but if the idea is ok with you, I’ll probably propose the former at the very least, as I’m in favor of its enactment.

Brendan: he/him

08-12-2022 20:57:48 UTC


quirck: he/him

09-12-2022 09:35:16 UTC

Where will be valid/invalid state of the directional connection tracked? Or could making a connection invalid remove the connection entirely, and making it valid create a new connection?
against  arrow

SingularByte: he/him

09-12-2022 15:09:39 UTC

Withdrawn due to low probability of passing against