Proposal: Functional diversity
Can’t pass with 6 votes against. Failed 1-6 by Kevan.
Adminned at 22 Oct 2012 08:57:56 UTC
In rule “Reputation”, replace “and Humor” with “Humor, and Diversity”.
If there exists a rule named “Running a Story”, delete in that rule the text:
(if they have not yet run a Story on any of the Events in that Wire Post)
then append a new paragraph to that rule, reading:
An Editor may not run a Story on a given Event from a given Wire Post if either of the following is true:
- They have already run a Story on an Event in that Wire Post.
- They have a negative Diversity and that Event shares a Location or Subject with one of the Events they had previously run a Story on.
Diversity should be decreased by focusing on one subject or one location too much, and increased by covering many different locations/subjects.
This can be a system of reward/punishment to encourage people not to always focus on the most newsworthy locations, or on the subject they had their first stance on.
RaichuKFM: she/her