Friday, January 21, 2022

Proposal: Get him on the Workfloor

Times out 5-6. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 23 Jan 2022 15:46:39 UTC

Set the Special Case Rule “Dynastic Distance” to be inactive.

Also, replace “For the purpose of rules which allow members of certain departments to perform certain actions, the CEO is considered a member of all departments” in the rule “Departments” with “The CEO is always considered a member of all departments.”


Zack: he/him

21-01-2022 07:18:14 UTC

Would you be willing to amend this to replace “For the purpose of rules which allow members of certain departments to perform certain actions, the CEO is considered a member of all departments” with “The CEO is always considered a member of all departments.”

I think it might cause a bucket o’ trouble if I’m employee but I’m not always technically a member of all departments.

Clucky: he/him

21-01-2022 07:21:43 UTC

We don’t need the bossman doing our job for us. If he wants us to do a better job he should pay us better!


21-01-2022 07:41:21 UTC

We’ll have a weird conundrum when deciding how the CEO gets paid, based on how “The CEO has a Hierarchal Rank of CEO” and the 8th level is about to be removed from the Hierarchy list. Not sure how to fix that, exactly.

Zack: he/him

21-01-2022 07:46:12 UTC

The argument could be made that CEO being “more senior than every other rank” lets us assume the seniority of CEO is exactly one higher than the highest rank on the list. And, barring that, Brendan’s CFJ does technically leave the phrase “the CEO has a Seniority of 8” in the ruleset.

Snisbo: she/they

21-01-2022 07:58:08 UTC

@Clucky, if you won’t do your job properly, I’ll do what I must.


21-01-2022 07:58:28 UTC

Yep, I’d accept that logic. I missed that line defining your Seniority number!

Zack: he/him

21-01-2022 16:25:03 UTC



21-01-2022 17:12:11 UTC


lendunistus: he/him

21-01-2022 18:09:46 UTC


Brendan: he/him

21-01-2022 18:39:14 UTC


Clucky: he/him

21-01-2022 19:00:14 UTC


Clucky: he/him

21-01-2022 19:01:14 UTC

I think there are some tasks that should be worded better to let the CEO do them, but overall part of the point of the dynasty is Zack having to manage everything and that is a lot less interesting if he can just build and box and then turn around and sell it himself.

Lulu: she/her

21-01-2022 19:26:55 UTC


lemon: she/her

22-01-2022 07:25:19 UTC

against per clucky!

Josh: he/they

22-01-2022 08:09:10 UTC

against Per Clucky.

Raven1207: he/they

22-01-2022 15:18:12 UTC


Zack: he/him

23-01-2022 00:19:13 UTC

@Clucky are you against dynastic distance being off at all or just me having the power to do everything at once? I’ll gladly propose to turn off dynastic distance but still leave me with the same limitations as everyone else, if that’s a fair compromise. I can also include a fix that doesn’t let me change an employee’s department more than once per day, and not at all if they’ve done any actions that day.

Zack: he/him

23-01-2022 00:20:45 UTC

I’m also toying with the idea that with dynastic distance off, I could re-invest the funds I get from my options to dig us out of debt.

Darknight: he/him

23-01-2022 03:56:47 UTC
