Proposal: Gimme the money!
Times out and passes 12-2. This may take some time to admin.-Bucky
Adminned at 25 Jun 2010 08:12:41 UTC
Each @ with an EVC on this proposal Finds Treasure.
If a simple majority of the EVCs on this proposal contain the phrase “I’m greedy.” then each @ with an EVC on this proposal may roll DICE3. If they do so, and the result is a 1, any items added to that @s inventory as a result of this proposal are removed from their inventory. If they do so and the result is a 3, then that @ Finds Treasure again.
In your exploration of your current dungeon level, you have managed to stumble across some random loot!
(rewarding anyone who is active enough to vote on proposals)
EAV: I’m greedy.