Proposal: Goldberg Machine (just the basics)
Reaches quorum (6-0)—Axeling
Adminned at 01 May 2007 00:28:53 UTC
If there is a Rule called “The Machine”, then this proposal has no further effect.
Blank the contents of any wiki page named “Machine Parts” or “Machine Variables”.
Create a new Dynastic Rule called “The Machine” with text:
A Rube Goldberg machine or device is any exceedingly complex apparatus that performs a very simple task in a very indirect and convoluted way. The Workers of Goldberg Technology are responsible for creating such a machine. The Machine consists of Pieces that are classified as either Parts or Variables.
Create a new sub-rule of “The Machine” called “Parts” with text:
There exists a wiki page “Machine Parts” which contains a list of all current Parts of the Machine. The order and contents of this list are considered part of the Gamestate (and thus may not be modified except as permitted by the Ruleset). Each Part has the following information:
*Name: The name by which the Part is refered (and any abbreviations by which it may be refered).
*Creator: The name of the Worker(s) considered responsible for adding the Part to the Machine.
*Initiator: The requirements that must be met for this Part to take effect.
*Effect: A description of changes to the “Machine Variables” wiki page.
Create a new Sub-rule of “The Machine” called “Variables” with text:
There exists a wiki page “Machine Variables” which contains a list of all current Variables of the Machine. The order and contents of this list are considered part of the Gamestate (and thus may not be modified except as permitted by the Ruleset). Each Variable has the following information:
*Name: The name by which the Variable is refered (and any abbreviations by which it may be refered).
*Creator: The name of the Worker(s) considered responsible for adding the Variable to the Machine.
*Possible States: A description of the possible states the variable may be in. If appropriate, a description of the order in which the variable advances may be included.
*State: The current State of the Variable (which must always be one of the possible states described in the previous bullet-point).
Amnistar: he/him