Proposal: Granaries are not infinite
Passes 3-1. — Quirck
Adminned at 22 Aug 2012 02:54:46 UTC
To the rule “Pies”, add a subrule “Pie Quota” and give it the following text:
Whenever a Baker has more than 10 Pies of a certain flavor, the number of their Pies of that flavor is set to 10.
A Baker cannot have more than 20 Pies in total. If performing some action would result in at least one Baker having more than 20 Pies, that action may not be performed.
Upon enactment of this proposal, if some Baker has more than 20 Pies in total, replace all occurences of “20” in the second paragraph of the “Pie Quota” subrule with the maximum Total number of Pies held by any Baker.
Amend the rule called “Upgrades” by replacing “they gain one Empty Pie at the end of that day.” with
they gain one Empty Pie at the end of that day unless this is prohibited by the “Pie Quota” rule.
Do we need caps?
Clucky: he/him
though we also need a better way to spend pies