Proposal: Guess Who
Times out + quorums 10-1 / Skju
Adminned at 26 Jul 2013 13:12:39 UTC
Each Player has a set of Guesses, tracked in the GNDT. If a Player’s Guesses include their Style, that Player is Impossible. A Player may spend 1 Eye to add any valid Image to another Player’s Guesses. If a Player’s Guesses include their Style, that Player may, and is strongly encouraged to Expose themself by changing their Style to their actual, decrypted Style, accompanied by their nonce, in the GNDT. They then gain three Eyes.Append to the first paragraph of the rule entitled “—o>-<":
Any Declaration of Victory should provide proof that the Player who posted it is not Impossible. If it does not, all Players are encouraged to oppose the DoV.
This will probably mean that each Player has only one shot at declaring victory, so they’d better get it right the first time. The bonus for Exposing oneself is to add extra incentive beyond the honour system.
Kevan: he/him
Our Style is always our “actual, decrypted Style”, Rule 2.1 simply requires us to track it as a hash in the GNDT.