Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Proposal: Happy Christmas. [Late]

Timed out after 48 hours, 3-2-6. Enacted by Angry Grasshopper.

Adminned at 02 Jan 2006 14:45:51 UTC

Summary: Location, Location, Action, Item

Define the Hollow Tree as:

* Maximum Occupancy:  30
* Exits: The Ominous Forest, The Holy Furnace
* Description: There’s a hexagon-shaped clearing in the Ominous Forest here.  An enormous hollow tree, big enough to hold several people, is exactly in the middle of the clearing. You can see a bright orange light through the tree’s single entrance. Looking up, you can see smoke rising from several of the branches.

Add a new Location entitled The Holy Furnace with the following description.

* Maximum Occupancy: 9
* Exits: The Hollow Tree
* Description: A furnace is set on the wall opposite the entrance of the tree. Next to the furnace is a sign reading, “Please insert your offering to the all-powerful 75th Trombone into the fire and wait for the receipt to materialise in your left hand.”

Add an Action entitled Offering:

A Protagonist (hereinafter referred to as the Offerer) may often make an offering to Seventy-Fifth Trombone. To do this, e must have eir Location set to “The Holy Furnace”, make a command in eir Thread reading “offer [insert name of item here]”,  and make a post on the blognomic.com main page with the title “Narrator Offering: [insert item here]. The effects of the Offering of an item are arbitrarily decided by Seventy-Fifth Trombone in a comment to the post, as long as the same effect applies to subsequent offerings of the same item. After the effects of the Offering have been published as a comment, the Offerer must add the effects of eir Offering to eir Thread as the corresponding Result. After an Offering, change the Item Held field of the Offerer to “Generic Receipt”. This Action adds 2 steps.

Add an Item entitled “Generic Receipt”

* Description: A small piece of paper reading, “Thank you for your patronage.”


vee: Idle

27-12-2005 23:55:10 UTC


Angry Grasshopper: Idle

28-12-2005 19:13:17 UTC

75th is not my personal deity, sorry. ;)

Excalabur: Idle

28-12-2005 20:34:52 UTC

for anti-idling..

Purplebeard: Idle

28-12-2005 21:35:29 UTC


smith: Idle

28-12-2005 21:46:27 UTC

imperial The offering bit is up to the narrator. I am getting a little worried that we might be putting too much responsability on the narrator to direct things.

The Lone Amigo: Idle

29-12-2005 00:52:23 UTC


Elias IX: Idle

29-12-2005 14:49:10 UTC

If it’s possible, could this not be adminned before 75th votes?

Beautiful please?

danopato: Idle

29-12-2005 18:31:25 UTC


Hix: Idle

29-12-2005 19:34:59 UTC


AgentHH: Idle

30-12-2005 00:06:55 UTC

imperial I agree with smith that maybe we’re putting too much on 75th.

Saurik: Idle

30-12-2005 00:26:23 UTC

I am against mostly due to not seeing why this would be fun, for either the Protagonists offering things up to eir god 75th for some hopefully nice result, or for 75th who might have to put up with an “often” number of offerings.

Other, less important notes (i.e., these aren’t the reason I’m voting against):

o The usage of “same effect” is sketchy, and will be prone to mistakes. If I offer a Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer and “Saurik is dubbed Fire Marshall” is
the result, then if someone else offers up a Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer, there is a strong argument that I should be dubbed Fire Marshall again.

o The proposal is missing a close quotation mark, which should probably be considered an important bug.

o Entirely stylistically, it might have been nice to use “shall” rather than “must”. (I left “must” out of the list of IEEE auxiliary verbs as it is considered deprecated.)

Actually, thinking more about that clause, I have an actual complaint about the mechanic here:

There’s no indication of _when_ the Protagonist shall put forward that Result. Only that it shall be placed as the Result of that Command, and that shall be done “after” the announcement from the Narrator on the blog. What if the Narrator doesn’t bother replying? What happens then? Does the Protagonist get to just continue on eir merry way? There’s nothing that states that e can’t temporarily put something else as the Result of that Command. What if e deletes the Command before the Narrator gets around to replying, and now it’s no longer possible for the offerer to do the latter part? Should he not have been allowed to do the deletion (which I think is a weird mechanic to have anyway) because it is understood that this pending “must” (or “shall”, whichever) is in play? Or does that make the Pffering no longer a valid Offering, and it gets canceled?

Elias IX: Idle

30-12-2005 01:59:07 UTC

I suppose it’s exploitable… but that would make this dynasty end sooner, which, at the rate at which it is currently going, could not be a bad thing.

Random effects are fun. Can that be denied? Anyway, there’s a precedent: Glarsh.

But addressing your notes:

1) We can just take the obvious solution and apply. If it still breaks down, it’s fixable by Call for Judgment.
2) Consider it a typo. Or fix it later by proposal.
3) Fixable by proposal.
4) Fixable by proposal.

All right, I know that I’ve made some mistakes, but this dynasty is slow enough as is.

Saurik: Idle

30-12-2005 14:33:46 UTC

Elias: Yeah, just to reemphasize, the bullet pointed ones I don’t care about. (As I said, they aren’t the reasons I voted against.) I don’t think it’s fair, or even really fun, to shove all the responsibility onto 75th, considering he hasn’t even been around much to comment on such matters, and I _do_ think there’s something wrong with the temporal mechanics of the Result, but I don’t really even care about that much either.

I’m also guessing that the main reason this dynasty is going so slowly is either A) everyone really hates me (which is paranoid, but funny enough that I thought I’d mention it), or B) they are all taking a week or two off for Christmas vacation and don’t have as ready access to computers or free time to write proposals. I know that’s true of Salamander and danopato. At least one person explicitely idle’d himself, and it _seems_ true of a few others. I’d imagine when people get from holidays and either go back to their jobs or their school life things will pick up.

Regardless, I’ll change my vote to imperial. If 75th would like to actually Narrarate, he can go ahead ;P.

Elias IX: Idle

31-12-2005 00:28:13 UTC

When this starts holding up any proposals in queue, it can then be adminned.

Quazie: Idle

31-12-2005 02:14:55 UTC

has… has 75th been alive recently?  I havn’t noticed if he has been

Hix: Idle

02-01-2006 19:58:02 UTC

against CoV