Saturday, February 18, 2023

Proposal: Hard to find solar panels in a forest

Timed out 3 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 20 Feb 2023 11:24:38 UTC

In the rule Location, after the paragraph starting “Each Location has an Action”, add the text:

Each Location has any number of Search Multipliers, which are strings that both have one of the multipliers from the list below, and an Adjective. It may only have one search multiplier for any given adjective.
* 0x
* 1x
* 2x
* 3x
* 6x
* 9x

In the rule Searches, before the sentence “The Villager who created a Search is considered to have joined that Search.”, add the text:

The Location of a Search is the Location in which the Villager who created the Search was in when they created that Search.

In the rule Searches, replace the bullet point with

* For each Villager who joined the Search that is being ended, if that Villager is Outside and in the Location of the Search:
** Reduce their time by 20.
** If their time was successfully reduced by 20, make a list of the different Adjectives that appear in Found Items a number of times equal to the Search Multiplier of that adjective for the Location of the Search (using a multiplier of 0x for adjectives without a Search Multiplier for that Location) and select one Adjective from that list at random.
** For that Villager, if the selected Adjective is not Broken, add it to that Villager’s Inventory.
* Optionally: choose an adjective that was selected the most (or joint most) times in this search and is not Broken, and reduce its Search Multiplier in the ruleset by one step, then increase a different Search Multiplier in that Location by one step.

If “Love of Power” was enacted, add a Search Multiplier column to the table in Location, with the following contents:
Village Square: Broken 3x, Metal 3x, Bulky 2x, Fabric 6x, Organic 1x, Electronic 3x
Road: Broken 3x, Metal 6x, Bulky 3x, Fabric 2x, Organic 2x, Electronic 1x
Forest: Broken 3x, Metal 1x, Bulky 6x, Fabric 2x, Organic 9x, Electronic 0x

If “Love of Power” was not enacted, add a Search Multiplier column to the table in Location, with the following contents:
Village Square: Broken 3x, Metal 3x, Bulky 3x, Fabric 6x, Organic 2x
Road: Broken 3x, Metal 6x, Bulky 3x, Fabric 3x, Organic 2x
Forest: Broken 3x, Metal 1x, Bulky 6x, Fabric 2x, Organic 9x


JonathanDark: he/him

18-02-2023 18:11:27 UTC

I know it’s past the edit window, but just for future reference:

The Location of a Search is the Location in which the Villager who created the Search was in when they created that Search.

It would be convenient to make the Location a required part of the Search creation text. Otherwise, it’s going to be a pain to track down where the Villager was when they created the Search if they moved around a lot while the Search is Open. Granted, they’ll likely want to be in the original Location at the end of the Search, but if they forget to do that, it sucks for everyone else to have to figure it out.


19-02-2023 03:56:26 UTC


Brendan: he/him

19-02-2023 14:17:57 UTC

against Searching is hazardous enough.

JonathanDark: he/him

19-02-2023 16:09:22 UTC


Kevan: he/him

19-02-2023 19:24:48 UTC
