Monday, April 29, 2024

Story Post: Haul: The Clockmaker

Clucky, 4st, JonathanDark, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, DesertFrog and Juniper have agreed on a split.

Adminned at 30 Apr 2024 08:08:15 UTC

A simple smash and grab down at the clockmaker’s on Tanner Street brings in 18 Florins and a Lockpick.


Josh: he/they

29-04-2024 09:26:21 UTC

I propose a split of 4 Florins each between myself, Nadnavillus, Desertfrog and 4st, one Florin each for Clucky and lendunistus, and the lockpick to JonathanDark.


29-04-2024 10:38:36 UTC

I propose a split of 4 Florins each for myself, NadNavillus and 4st, 2 Florins each for Xebec and lendunistus, one Florin and the lockpick to Jonathandark, and one Florin to Juniper.ohyegods

lendunistus: he/him

29-04-2024 12:15:30 UTC

I propose a split of the Lockpick to lendunistus and 2 Florins each to Josh, Desertfrog, 4st, Clucky, JonathanDark, Juniper.ohyegods, NadNavillus and Xebec

Josh: he/they

29-04-2024 12:28:35 UTC

@lendun I think that only allocates 16 of the 18 available Florins?

Nad: he/him

29-04-2024 13:15:44 UTC

I propose a split of 4 Florins each between Josh, Nadnavillus, Desertfrog and 4st, one Florin each for Clucky and lendunistus, and the lockpick to JonathanDark

Nad: he/him

29-04-2024 13:30:05 UTC

I propose a split of 3 Florins each between Josh, Nadnavillus, Desertfrog, Clucky, lendunistus and 4st, and the lockpick to JonathanDark

Josh: he/they

29-04-2024 13:47:37 UTC

Concurrent with Nadnavillis, I propose a split of 3 Florins each between Josh, Nadnavillus, Desertfrog, Clucky, lendunistus and 4st, and the lockpick to JonathanDark.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-04-2024 13:58:04 UTC

What did I do to everyone to get cut out of these splits?

I propose a split of 5 Florins each to JonathanDark, Desertfrog, Clucky, lendunistus, and 4st, 3 Florins to Juniper.ohyegods, and the lockpick to lendunistus.


29-04-2024 14:02:33 UTC

I agree with Jonathandark, proposing a split of 5 Florins each to JonathanDark, Desertfrog, Clucky, lendunistus, and 4st, 3 Florins to Juniper.ohyegods, and the lockpick to lendunistus.

Nad: he/him

29-04-2024 14:09:27 UTC

I think theses last two proposals over allocated florins: 5 x 5 + 3 = 28 there are on 18

Nad: he/him

29-04-2024 14:14:24 UTC

@JonathanDark sorry, that lockpick was at the end of the cut and paste.

Perhaps, maybe suggest the most equitable allocation and folks might rally behind that, 2 to everyone and you keep the lock pick for good measure.


29-04-2024 14:21:39 UTC

I propose a split of 4 Florins each to JonathanDark, Desertfrog, Clucky and 4st, 2 Florins to Juniper.ohyegods, and the lockpick to lendunistus.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-04-2024 14:25:41 UTC

Man, I can’t math today.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-04-2024 14:31:27 UTC

I propose a split of 4 Florins each to JonathanDark, Desertfrog, Clucky and 4st, 2 Florins to Juniper.ohyegods, and the lockpick to lendunistus.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-04-2024 14:32:41 UTC

I propose a split of 4 Florins each to JonathanDark, Desertfrog, Clucky and 4st, 2 Florins to Juniper.ohyegods, and the lockpick to lendunistus.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-04-2024 14:33:19 UTC

Oof, sorry for the double post

Josh: he/they

29-04-2024 14:55:17 UTC

I propose a split of 2 Florins for each of 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Josh, Juniper.ohyegods, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec, with Josh getting the lockpick.

Nad: he/him

29-04-2024 14:59:19 UTC

With Josh;

I propose a split of 2 Florins for each of 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Josh, Juniper.ohyegods, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec, with Josh getting the lockpick.


29-04-2024 15:07:40 UTC

Aw thanks for including me in the good splits!!! I’m totally on board, this one seems to be leading. :)

I propose a split of 4 Florins each to JonathanDark, Desertfrog, Clucky and 4st, 2 Florins to Juniper.ohyegods, and the lockpick to lendunistus.


29-04-2024 15:14:03 UTC

On second thought, looking at the rules, will be quite hard to get quorum. And I feel bad spurning some people so early in the dynasty.

I propose a split of 2 Florins for each of 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Josh, Juniper.ohyegods, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec, with Josh getting the lockpick.


29-04-2024 15:31:13 UTC

Why should Josh get the lockpick? He’s experienced and competitive enough and doesn’t need any bonus advantage

Clucky: he/him

29-04-2024 17:41:18 UTC

I propose a split of 2 Florins for each of 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Josh, Juniper.ohyegods, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec, with NadNavillus getting the lockpick.

Josh doesn’t need the lockpick. Nad played a good game last dynasty and so is my pick for who to award.


29-04-2024 18:35:40 UTC

I agree with Clucky’s most recent post, specifically:

I propose a split of 2 Florins for each of 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Josh, Juniper.ohyegods, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec, with NadNavillus getting the lockpick.

(honestly just getting thru this first haul is getting rough! heh)

JonathanDark: he/him

29-04-2024 18:43:52 UTC

That works for me.

I propose a split of 2 Florins for each of 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Josh, Juniper.ohyegods, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec, with NadNavillus getting the lockpick.

Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

29-04-2024 20:46:16 UTC

I propose a split of 1 florin for 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Josh, Juniper.ohyegods, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec; NadNavillus gets the lockpick, the rest go to the City.

Clucky: he/him

29-04-2024 21:00:23 UTC

@Juniper The city is not a thief for the purposes of dynastic rules, so I don’t think that distribution is valid.

lendunistus: he/him

29-04-2024 22:19:26 UTC

oh, right, the haul has to be empty to make a new haul post. anyways, I concur with Clucky

I propose a split of 2 Florins for each of 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Josh, Juniper.ohyegods, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec, with NadNavillus getting the lockpick.

Nad: he/him

29-04-2024 22:27:32 UTC

I will hop on the Clucky train and see if we can get the first haul cleared. I concur with Clucky:

I propose a split of 2 Florins for each of 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Josh, Juniper.ohyegods, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec, with NadNavillus getting the lockpick.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-04-2024 22:45:28 UTC

Cool, just need 1 more Thief on board: Desertfrog, Josh, Juniper, or Xebec will do it.

Clucky: he/him

29-04-2024 23:10:16 UTC

Quorum of thieves for dynastic rules is only 5, so I think this actually enough

JonathanDark: he/him

29-04-2024 23:24:27 UTC

You’re right. Now we just have to wait on Kevan to wake up in his morning time.


30-04-2024 05:27:54 UTC

I agree with the above, proposing a split of 2 Florins for each of 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Josh, Juniper.ohyegods, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec, with NadNavillus getting the lockpick.

Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

30-04-2024 06:23:49 UTC

Ohh, so the City isn’t a Thief? Then I agree with above,
I propose a split of 2 Florins for all of 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Josh, Juniper.ohyegods, Lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec. NadNavillus gets the lockpick.